Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On Why John Stewart ISN'T Bill Maher

a) He's significantly more intelligent and subtle.......b) He's nowhere near the a-hole.......c) He's much more of an equal opportunity satirist.......And d) the dude is way, WAY, funnier.......I say monstrous technical knockout on this one, folks.


  1. I have little use for either. But I find some difference between them. Stewart thinks it is the height of humor to say an F-word (which gets bleeped out). Maher thinks it is the height of humor to call women c*nts. I find the second example far worse due to the sexism involved.

  2. I actually find Colbert funnier than both of them because of the "deadpan" but, yeah, Bill Maher is definitely THE WORST.

  3. I was going to give props to Colbert.... glad you did.

  4. He does that entire program with a straight face. HOW DOES HE DO IT?


  5. Maher is neither funny or witty and at times is just plain stupid.Plus his phoney laugh is annoying.

    Stewart on the other hand has the best team of writers on TV.Its Stewarts writers who have done Obama's comic routine for the correspondents dinner the past few years.And,he has the balls to have smart diehard conservatives as guests.....something that Maher,Matthews,Maddow,Olbermann,Schultz or O'Donnell would ever do.

  6. And guys, he (Stewart) goes after the left pretty regularly, too. I remember this one skit that he did on Harry Belafonte a few years back and I was literally rolling on the floor with laughter.......Gotta be equal opportunity and he generally is.

  7. I love Jon Stewart. Maher is ok in small doses. And Maddow does have conservatives on her show regularly - although, I think she is overly polite with them and not as much at ease as with her liberal guests.

  8. "... homosexual sexual version..."

    If I may be so bold Will, what in hell does that have to do with the subject matter at hand?

    Did I miss something?

  9. I was just basically saying that Hannity and Maddow were the same except for a,b,c,x,y, and z. And trying to be a trifle funny, too, I guess.


  10. Lisa....please name three true conservatives Maddow has had as guest on her show.....and please don't dare list Michael Steele as one.


  11. Has anyone ever seen Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes in the same room together.....hmm, just asking

  12. Bill Maher's too condescending, bitter, overrated and annoying than funny. Sam Seder is far worse. At least Marc Maron is actually funny on his podcast.

    I have not watched Colbert or Stewart in ages though, but I really liked their shows the last time I watched.

  13. Colbert with his deadpan thoroughly fractures me.

  14. Rusty: Maddow only thrives in a controlled environment. If you can call having such a low-rated show "thriving". Can't have a strong independent mind on it or her facade crashes down like a house-of-cards.

  15. I also loved Colbert's turn as The Sergeant in Inspector Spacetime

  16. And she says things that are just patently absurd; that the U.S. has been ignoring K-12 education (we spend more that any other country other than Switzerland), that Herbert Hoover was a free marketeer (the dude increased federal spending by 49% in just 3 short years, increased the top marginal tax rate by 152%, and instituted Smoot-Hawley), just to name a couple.

  17. Will: Yes. Maddow's list of lies is quite long.


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