Tuesday, May 28, 2013

On the Left and Islam

It's a predicament for the former. On the one hand, they view/pride themselves as champions of gay and woman's rights, but on the other hand they've also firmly attached themselves to a philosophy of moral relativity in which it is thoroughly tabu to judge another person's culture or religion....From the sound of the thing, it sounds as if the gays and women are having to take a back seat to political correctness here.  


  1. President Obama, who traveled hundreds of miles to attend a rally set up to glorify and worship a leader of an extremist Islamic sect (a man who was also the most prominent antisemite and proponent of slavery in the US) does not help matters, does it?

  2. .

    "... they view/pride themselves as champions of gay and woman's rights, but on the other hand they've also firmly attached themselves to a philosophy of moral relativity in which it is thoroughly tabu to judge another person's culture or religion...."

    Who is this 'they'? Give US a name(s).

    Ema Nymton

  3. Will, some just simply have to be spoon fed.


  4. Never,ever trust anyone wearing their underware on their heads.

  5. There are, what, 50-someting Muslim counties and 1 representative democracy (in Turkey)? I mean, I know that we're not perfect, either, but maybe instead of killing people over comic strips and blowing up high-rises they might want to look from within at least on occasion.


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