Thursday, May 30, 2013

On Michele Bachmann's Assertion that Her Decision Not to Run in 2014 has Nothing to Do With a Fear of Losing

I am not a gambler, and I am not a mind reader. But on this one I would put a whole heap of money on a bet that this gal is lying. I mean, can you think of any other reason why a person who is so seemingly hung up on power would willingly walk away from that power? And, besides, without that stench of failure of her having been stymied like that, she still gets to be a "spiritual" leader a la Palin....That. and you gotta know (yes, another safe bet) that Fox is probably going to make her a big offer, too. A real big offer.


  1. It's a plea bargain to stay out of jail.

  2. If so, it's probably worth it.......For us, I'm saying.

  3. It is worth it for the republicans too. The Dems are the big losers.

  4. Dammit, we're losing a huge segment of comic relief on this one!

  5. I'm glad this nutcase whore (I hope I can say that here) is not running anymore. You could tell she was insincere with her dumb video. Fairly obvious the whole IRS thing had something to do with it and maybe she realized that she comes across as being insane to a wide group of people.

  6. Roberto, just like folks like Pelosi preclude me from being a Democrat, folks like Bachmann preclude me from being a Republican. These gals are 2 sides of the very same coin, in my opinion.

  7. I'm sure the use of "whore" was meant to mean political "Whore", however, for whatevet it is worth there are more appropriate ways to express the sentiment.

    Just sayin...


  8. First...why would Roberto refer to this woman as a "whore?" Does he have facts to back that up? If he doesn't perhaps he should just STFU.

    I agree With Jerry.The dems are going to miss her far more then the right will.

    All being said,I think she is actually smarter then Pelosi and has far less Botox in her system.

  9. Very similar. But what makes Pelosi worse is that instead of being a mere sideshow she is much more powerful.

  10. I didn't see the whore comment at first and I suspect that Roberto would probably go with a different adjective upon further inspection.......dmarks, I think that the Dems (and the country) would have been far better served with a Speaker Hoyer and even better yet with a Speaker Shuler.

  11. Sorry about the comment, guys! I was overexaggerating on purpose, but in hindsight, I would have used something else.

  12. We all get caught up, Roberto. I'm just as guilty as anybody of it. It's cool.


  13. No problem Roberto.I've often thought that word in reference to Ms.Pelosi.

  14. Rusty: And did Bachmann ever do anything as bad as Pelosi did when she asserted that legislation had to be kept secret?

    Pelosi is best suited for a politburo rather than a body of representative legislators.

    Pelosi's "whats in it for me?" avarice and her hypocrisy on the union issue which Will pointed out so well are other major problems.

  15. Another compare & contrast exercise. Always upsets the cons
    when Bush2 and his merry ways are brought up when talking of Obama.
    Bachmann is rather unique, something of an enigma and I disagree with almost all of her
    opinions. Yet, she worked tirelessly with archenemy Senator
    Klobuchar of Minn to get a sorely
    needed new bridge at Stillwater.
    From what I can gather, Ms. Bachmann had a number of problems with her own party for whatever

  16. I pretty much disagree with her, too, BB. I would only add that she's a hell of a lot smarter than Palin and it's kind of too bad that she's been so inordinately influenced by her Christian fundamentalism. It's that, I'm thinking, which probably makes her look the most foolish.

  17. Now, Nixon is the one who gets mentioned alongside Obama.


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