Saturday, May 18, 2013

Green With Hatred

According to The Guardian and other sources, a group of American Jewish donors transferred to the Palestinian Authority over 3,000 greenhouses. These greenhouses (valued at over $14 million) were chock with flowers and various produce that would have been sufficient to feed the entire population of Gaza and even enough to create an export business. So, what did the poor Palestinians do with this potential treasure chest of riches? Try, they destroyed it completely and punctuated it all with an endless barrage of rockets into Southern Israel. Peace Shmeace.


  1. I'm postulating that this psuedo war (used when people think my God is better than your God) will go on indefinitely or until someone goes over there and smacks them up the side of their heads. If they can't play nicely with their toys, someone should take them away.

    And yes, I know that the Israelis worked very hard to cultivate that land. But, technically, it's still a desert just like LA and LV are a desert. You can irrigate the hell out of a piece of land, but that doesn't change its properties.

  2. Here's an interesting solution to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict:

    This guy put a map on the internet, sent it out for comments and adjusted it accordingly. He even promotes Jerusalem as being an "international city" similar to DC, where it is not governed by any country. It also give the Palestinians a contiguous land mass and the same for Israel. The only problem I see is Israel's border with Egypt but that's the same problem they have now. Hey, it's as good as anything out there now.

    Let's face it, these people won't stop fighting until a) both have land to call their own, b) both acknowledge either other's right to exist and c) Israel stops encroaching on Palestinian land. If the Palestinians want to turn their land to shit, then that's their right.

    Ok, that's solved. Onto the next world issue. :)

  3. b is the key, Lisa, and I don't see Hamas changing its ultimate goal anytime soon.......That way pisses me off, BB. WE should be the #1 exporter of drones.

  4. Worst part is that they probably used our money to do it! After all, we provide them with 25% of their defense budget. Just one more reason we should yank their aid; they're using our money to compete with us. We look like dumbasses! Traitors! Impeach them! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)

    Wtf is Uganda doing with drones? Nevermind, I don't wanna know.

  5. Will, while b) may be important, without a and c, that doesn't mean jack. For example, I could acknowledge your right to exist, but I could also take away your property (as the Israelis do on the West Bank). So b doesn't mean shit if you don't have anywhere to land your ass.

  6. Lisa said: "He even promotes Jerusalem as being an "international city" similar to DC, where it is not governed by any country"

    Sounds better on paper... Who would administer this city/

  7. There's plenty of places for Palestinians to land their ass, even in those territories. At this time, Israeli land advances provide good pressure for the Palestinian government to call off its demand for extermination of the Jews (which was renewed a few months ago when so-called moderate Mahmoud Abbas declared that he will wipe out any Jews in a new Palestinian state).

    If the Palestinians call off their holocaust, I am sure Israel's land advances and expansion will cease. It might work. As Will showed in this post, giving land to those who still want to exterminate the Israelis has only emboldened them.

  8. Lisa, the Israelis have on NUMEROUS occasions ceased and desisted with the settlements and not a single time did the Palestinians knock it off with the terror. These folks could have has their own country in 1922, 1937, 1948, 2000, and 2008 and each time they uttered, stuff it. I really try to be fair and balanced on this issue but to feel so utterly sorry 24/7 for a people who collaborated with Hitler and whose sole purpose these days seems to be the annihilation of Israel, I really can't do it anymore. I'd much rather focus on the Kurds, the Tibetans, and the people down in Darfur.

  9. The last thing the Arafats and Hamases of the world want is peace.

    Peace makes their existence superfluous.

    The asshole always ends up in charge. Too bad in the Middle East they're terrorist mother fuckers also.

    And Dmarks should be happy to see an ayatollah jumps the shot of the terrorist bastards.
    And didn't you receive my fatwa against comment moderation Infidel Hart?

  10. dmarks - "Who would administer this city (Jerusalem)?" I don't know - maybe a consortium of the 3 religions governing as equals?

    If the Palestinians acknowledge the right of Israel to exist, the Israelis would stop encroaching on their land? Some how I doubt that. I agree that both sides are at fault here and both sides have to give.

    I say we leave it to the Europeans - they created this mess, they can fix it. Or they can just blow themselves up until there's nothing left but a glass parking lot. Yank their aid (both sides) because we're just throwing money down a rat hole.

    Sorry, but this whole thing pisses me off; this stupid crap has been going on for 70+ years and I'm just tired of the whole thing.

  11. I always appreciate your independence on this issue, oh holy one/Truthster.

  12. Lisa G said: " I don't know - maybe a consortium of the 3 religions governing as equals?"

    An interesting idea. At least you didn't say "UN". They would turn the city into a new Srbenica.

    "If the Palestinians acknowledge the right of Israel to exist, the Israelis would stop encroaching on their land? Some how I doubt that"

    It is the historic record. Egypt once denied the right of Israelis to exist. It changed its tune and got all its land back.

    " I agree that both sides are at fault here and both sides have to give."

    The fault of one side is far far worse than the other. The Palestinian government is insistent on the total extermination of Israeli Jews. There is nothing near any sort of equivalency from the Israelis.

    Look at Gaza for example. Israel had it it under their COMPLETE control. And know what they did? Turned it over to the Palestinians, even with econmoic aid which Will has detailed.

    And if the situation were reversed? There is no doubt that if the Palestinians gained control of Israel, they'd fire up the ovens and embark on the final solution they have frequently and loudly announced for decades, leading into this year as well.

    "I say we leave it to the Europeans - they created this mess"

    It goes way way back before this. Back to the time of Muhammad, who ordered the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula wiped out. Whose armies conquered the Israel area and instituted a reign of terror which lasted unabated until the well into the 20th century.


    Ayatollah: Glad to see that your wrath is against terrorists now instead of against workers' rights!

  13. Damn you Ayatolla! These are your people! Don't make me go all jihad on your ass! :)

    Jeez, er Mohammed, I expected better from you.


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