Saturday, May 18, 2013

Accidently Truthful

"Half the Palestinians are Egyptian and the other half are Saudis." Fathi Hammad (in a speech directed at Egypt), political leader of Hamas, 2009.............So, there it is folks, even the titular head of Hamas now admits that this whole notion of a long-standing Palestinian people is a bogus one. The only issue that I have with the statement is that it's a little too narrow. Birth records from as late as the '40s have shown that Palestinians didn't just come from Egypt and Arabia. They also came from Syria, Transjordan, Iraq, Iran/Persia, Turkey, Algeria, Tripoli/Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, The Soviet Union/Russia/Ukraine, and even from Central Asia....And the added fact that the damned term wasn't even utilized until recently....


  1. Just because some jackass from Hamas says that doesn't make it true. Come on Will, a terrorist org? Seriously?

  2. Let me be more nuanced here. Yes, there are certain Muslims from that area with some long-standing ties to it. But it is hardly a majority and the only reason that the Jews weren't more strongly represented over the centuries was because of the occupying powers of Rome, Turkey, and England limiting it. I would have been more than happy (as a supporter of Israel) to accept the Clinton/Ehud Barak plan of 2000 but it was Arafat who crapped and said, no.

  3. Personally, I'm sick of everyone fighting over a stupid piece of desert. I agree that the Jews need a homeland, but the Palestinians need one too. (Once again proving that religion makes you act like a kook.) Clinton went above and beyond trying to work out a deal - we've done our share for both sides; now, neither side wants to give an inch. Someone (and I've volunteered in the past) needs to go over there any slap these people in the head then divvy it up according to someone else's rules. Then neither side will be happy. Perfect compromise.

    I say we pull all the foreign aid from there including the ability to buy weapons and other military stuff, and see what happens. (Because arming other countries has worked so well for us in the past - see Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, etc.) Let them throw sticks at each other for all of eternity.

    And yes, I know Israel is the only democracy over there, but we've done worse to democracies in the past. Let them figure it out.

  4. I once said (half-jokingly) that we should just give the Jews Rhode Island and be done with it.

  5. Really, that's not a bad idea!

  6. Wait, it needs to be a southern state (we've got plenty of those!). Maybe MS; they're locked in a time warp down there and wouldn't even notice an additional 8 million people or so. Or AZ may be more like it - lots of desert, some mountains and they can help John McCain "build the darn fence" - perfect - just like home!

  7. On a funnier note, Bobby Jindal is saying the IRS people responsible for the "scandal" should go to prison for "violating the Constitution". Does he say which part, nope. Does he have a charge, nope. We'll just throw people in jail because, well, Bobby said so!

    Oh, and our mutual friend Darrell Issa knew about the IRS thingy last year. Apparently, he didn't feel the need to tell anyone about it then. I hope the R's crack him upside the head for ruining their big scandal. Asshat.

  8. Have you moved on from posting on the fraud known as "global warming" AKA "global climate change"?


  9. Someone please tell Lisa that yes Israel once was a "stupid piece of desert" but now through 65 years of work it is an oasis of farmland and beautiful cities....while the Palestinians insist on remaining entrenched in the middle ages wearing their underware on their heads.

  10. BB, I'll say exactly what I said to Lisa. I fully accept the parameters of the 2000 Clinton-Barak proposal and the 2008 Olmert proposal. We just need to get the Palestinians on board.............No, Barlowe, I'm just taking a slight breather. In the words of Ahnold, "I'll be bock."............Lisa, I agree that the fence which separates Israel from the West Bank looks rather crappy. But it has reduced terrorist deaths from 220 in 2002 to 1 in 2008 (I don't have the data past 2008) and so it isn't all that bad.............Yeah, you're right on that one, Russ. The Jews were given the crappiest part of Western Palestine and turned it into an oasis. You really gotta give 'em props.

  11. Will said: "Lisa, I agree that the fence which separates Israel from the West Bank looks rather crappy."

    Yes, but it saves lives. It is a rather peaceful means to stop aggression, as it harms no one. As for Palestinian complaints that the fence is on "their land", well, they are 100% the cause of the aggression problem which forced Israel to put up the fence in the first place. So, it is only fair.

  12. The old click here 'legal' system
    goes on inexorably, its effectiveness perhaps questionable.
    IMO, Israel's problems will come from their own fundamentalist right wing .

  13. Yes, they rear their head every once in a while and kill someone. Compared to the fundamentalist/extremists in Palestinian society, who are in such total control that even a so-called "moderate" like Mahmoud Abbas declares that Jews will be eliminated from the new Palestinian state.

  14. Israel has expended considerable ordnance on 'Palestinian society'.
    A growing problem which they have
    ignored may become much more difficult to address, and IMO, may
    pose a more serious threat to that


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