Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bless Me Father....

I'm probably going to go to hell for this but damn did Deborah Kerr ever look smokin' hot as that nun in, "Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison". I cannot blame (a drunken) Robert Mitchum one iota for hitting on her.......See above for the evidence.


  1. And Jennifer Jones was hot in "The Song of Bernadette", too. More pennance.

  2. Guys,
    Go on with your boobie fetishes and I'll just sit here because I have a pair.

  3. I personally much prefer the classic film chicks over the chickies of today.

  4. I saw Salma Hayek (sp?)up on your page a while ago, so I'm not sure that's totally true. Maybe you should just say you prefer real boobs as opposed to fake ones. :)


  5. Looks nothing like the nuns who used to crack me with the ruler.

  6. I don't remember ever posting anything on Salma Hayek. Perhaps I was inebriated.......Yeah, huh, Russ? And stay tuned, I'm going to upload a picture of a "divine" Jennifer Jones next.

  7. To hell with penance. She was hot and I don't mind saying so. Nor do I fear the wrath of a mystical God for having done so. :-)

  8. And the thing is, she was hot and classy at the same time. That is very rare.


  9. Men like titties with it.

    It stems from nursing.


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