Friday, May 17, 2013

Apish Hospitality?

According to a Harvard University study entitled, "Coexistence in Israel", 77% of Israeli Arabs said that they would rather live in Israel THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. And, yes, folks, that percentage goes significantly higher when the choices are simply, "Israel or an Arab led Palestinian State (over 90%)?" Wouldn't it be nice if the mainstream media and especially academia would occasionally acknowledge stuff like this? Me, I'm kinda thinking, yes.


  1. .


    This is really news worthy! 77% of people say they would rather live in their own home/land than any where else.

    What are the statistics for people of USA, China, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, and Spain? When asked isn't it normal that people say they would rather live in their own home/land than any where else?

    Really news worthy ...

    Ema Nymton

  2. I would submit, young Ema, that this exceedingly high number (and, please, keep in mid here that the number swells to over 90% when compared to living under Hamas/The Palestinian Authority) is probably more to do with the fact that Palestinian Arabs have FAR more rights in Israel than they do in literally any other Middle-Eastern country. And, no, not all people would prefer to live in their own country/country of birth. You've never heard of immigration? I mean, my God, people from Mexico, Cuba, and Guatemala literally risk their lives trying to come here.............Oh, and, yeah, the Berlin Wall. Why do you think that that was built, Ema?

  3. Kind of a unique situation, sort of
    a gentle kid glove apartheid .

  4. I consider Mitchell Bard a very fair and balanced writer. It sounds as if you might, too.

  5. Ema mis-read and said: " 77% of people say they would rather live in their own home/land than any where else"

    One can tell you are putting your ignorant antisemitism based spin on this. They are clearly referring to preferring to live in their homeland if it is governed by the Israelis... with a small majority wanting to live in it if it became a "Palestinian state".

    BB: It is not apartheid at all. It is a very moderate, reasoned response to an enemy that is so hellbent on a new Holocaust that they have used ambulances as troop transports.

  6. If I were running Israel, I would probably do what Sharon was planning to do. Pull back from all population centers and adjust the fence accordingly. That way Israel would have 100% of the moral high ground (at least among the fairer thinkers) and they could still go in a guns a blazing if they needed to. Not that it would necessarily work, mind you, but I'd try it.

  7. .

    "...Oh, and, yeah, the Berlin Wall. Why do you think that that was built, Ema?"

    To keep people in?

    Ema Nymton

  8. ".. It is not apartheid at all. It is a very moderate, reasoned response to an enemy" Yes, moderate..over 28,000 Palestinian
    homes have been destroyed by IDF
    bulldozers. If I read Petreus' book to create 28,000
    more sworn enemies.

  9. BB, if the Mexicans were attacking us and harboring terrorists in houses in Tijuana and Juarez, we probably wouldn't be sending them the welcoming committee either.......And I would say, blame Arafat. They could have had 96% of the West Bank and Gaza, East Jerusalem (which isn't even a holy city to the Palestinians), and zero interference in their affairs and he said, NO (offering zero counter-proposals and calling for a 2nd intifada).


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