Friday, May 17, 2013

Apes a Lot

Quran 2:65 "YUSUFALI: And well ye knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said to them: 'Be ye apes, despised and rejected'."............Really, Muslims? Again with the ape shit? And this sucker straight from the scripture, too......................................................................................P.S. Not that I'm a big fan of any religion, mind you, but at least the Jews (as opposed to Muslims and Christians) don't seem to be so hung up on what other folks believe (just as long as you leave them alone) and for that I'd probably have to rank them number one of the big three monotheistic religions....If, I'm saying, I HAD to choose.


  1. Mysticism in any form is still mysticism. Whether it be manifested in the mystics of faith or the mystics of muscle (read the latter as the State).

  2. Mysticism in any form is still mysticism. Whether it be manifested in the mystics of faith or the mystics of muscle (read the latter as the State).

  3. And if you look beyond the big 3, the Buddhists are the mildest, I think. You have to look long and hard for anything like a Buddhist inquisition or Buddhist ayatollah.

  4. Buddhism is not a religion actually. Which likely explains a lot.

    Jainism too I suppose.

  5. Ah, the Israelis have their own fundie problem; nice to know that we're not alone although the Muslims seem to have more than their fair share. I'm sorry, but fundamentalism of any stripe makes those people kooky and drags the rest of us down with them. (See John McCain, having to raise his hand saying that he doesn't believe in evolution in the 2008 primaries as an example. You know he doesn't believe that shit.)

    A full 49% of this country doesn't believe in evolution - this makes us look like dumbfuckistan. The demise of the Republican party started with them recruiting the religious right. (Thanks, RR.) That's when the whole party shifted way to the right. Before that, Republicans were moderates, even Liberals (see Nixon) and we could get shit done. (See Congress voting 37 times to repeal Obamacare - really? 36 times wasn't enough? What a profound waste of resources and time.)

    Fundies are preventing this country from going forward, trying to reverse decades of progress in civil rights. You want to worship in your own faith - fine. But keep your shit to yourselves because that's what Jesus would do.

  6. Fundies of any religion are a problem; they drag us all down with them and make us look like dumbfuckistan to the rest of the world.

  7. I kinda agree with everything that you wrote, Lisa. The Republicans have gone from Everett Dirksen and Howard Baker to Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum. And, yes, instead of making these symbolic votes on Obamacare, they should probably be working with the Dems to improve the sucker (cause' it does need some improvement).

  8. Good point, Les, a spiritual philosophy as opposed to a hard-core dogmatic religion.

  9. I don't consider Obama a liberal either - basing this solely on the number of times he's seriously pissed me off including Afghanistan, Gitmo, renditions, torture, etc. I condemned GWB for it and I condemn Obie for it too. And lying about it makes it 10 times worse.

    That being said, fundies like Bachmann (who should have her mouth sewn permanently shut, lest another dumbshit thing falls out of it) and Santorum (you brought your dead baby HOME with you? Really? Who DOES that?) Poor Michele is so confused that she doesn't even realize that her husband is gay. They are so concerned with their punitive God that they can't think straight.

    1. While I agree with 90 percent of what you say, Afghanistan being the exception please remember, our nation was founded on a belief in the right to politically speak ones mind and the right to dissent.

      Even lame brains like Bachman share this right with sane people.

  10. I don't have any problem with first amendment rights and I fully support Bachmann's right to open her mouth and make an ass out herself. :)

  11. Lisa, I've seen Bachmann's husband and, while I try hard not to stereotype, I must admit to forming the same impression as you here.............Les, Bachmann kind of perplexes me at times. She is obviously MUCH smarter than Palin and still she talks kind of like a crazy person (though, yes, I, like you, defend her Constitutional right to do so).

  12. Somewhere along the line, MB lost her shit and became a complete hypocrite. She gets paid by the people, she gets "farm subsidies", and her husband "prays away the gay" with government money. That man is so far in the closet he doesn't even know where the door is.

    Poor Sarah, she's as dumb as a box of rocks; she can be outwitted by her own mind. What the Sam Hell was McCain thinking? I hear she wants to run in 2016; oh please let that be true! Can you imagine the debate with Hillary? I can't wait to see the look on Hill's face (WTF?) when Sarah answers a question! Prepare the popcorn!

  13. Obama's a liberal and he does what liberals do.

  14. Hillary versus Palin? Wow, not to sound too sexist but I'll probably vote for Johnson again (those 2 being my other options).

    1. Yep, Johnson will get my vote again. Be damned if I vote rEpublican or dEmocratic for President again. Two virulent and destructive statist strains.

  15. Johnson was banned from the ballot in my state, by an action of the Republican Party. So I could not vote for him.

    It was pretty shameless and indefensible, just as the Democrats are shameless and indefensible in supporting unions forcing people to join against their will... for the main reason that these people are then forced to donate to Democratic Party campaigns.

  16. Lisa said: "Poor Sarah, she's as dumb as a box of rocks"

    Still smarter than Obama, I think. We'd have a better road to recovery now if we had elected her ticket and implemented their ideas. We might have a lot less of one problem to worry about (the economy). Instead of the two big ones we have (the economy, and minimizing Obamacare's effects).

  17. Not to crap on Obama and Romney but I think that if Johnson had gotten into those debates, he would have done extremely well.

  18. Not to crap on Sarah Palin but, Alaska was her Peter Principle. McCain should have realized the reality of the situational choice he made. But that is old news.

    1. RN: the huge asterisk about Palin is that she is a quitter. She ran away from her highest elected office mid-term.

  19. Doubt President Sarah would have led an economic recovery..she would have quit halfway through...
    again. Now, if Tina Fey was pres...

    1. And I commented to Les before I read your comment. Ha.


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