Monday, May 6, 2013

A Huge But Actually Quite Miniscule Drop in the Bucket

Here are the facts, folks. The total U.S. GDP - approximately $16 trillion. The total salary of the Fortune 500 CEOs- approximately $5 billion. The percentage of the U.S. economy which comprises these salaries - approximately .03% (three one hundredths of one percent)............................................................................So, does that in fact provide perspective here? To say that this is in any way a part of our economic malaise is hugely ridiculous, I think. And I also have to ask my progressive colleagues, if it was such a trivial thing for guys like McCain to focus on pork-barrel spending at $17 billion a year, then how, pray tell, is it not even more petty for folks like ya'all to focus on an amount  that's even 70% less than that...AND PRIVATE MONEY? It sure as hell seems like a loser to me.


  1. Liberals simply like stealing from the most productive members of society. There does not have to be any point to it. Except, perhaps to destroy these businesses by not allowing them to pay for the best leaders they can hire.

    1. Barlowe: it is called fascism. The ruling elites, arrogant with power, think it is OK to rob people just because they can. They look at people who work hard and earn what they are do, and instead of congratulating them, these little Pol Pots think of how they can cut these people down and then steal from them for their own personal benefit.

  2. Antony Davies (professor from Duquesnes) crunched the numbers, Barlowe, and the federal government actually raised twice as much revenue per capita (adjusted for inflation) when the top rate was 50% as they did when the top rate was 91%. It kinda puts our progressive friends (who I distinguish from mainstream liberals such as our buddy, BB Idaho) in a quandary, doesn't it? Do they want the extra revenue or do they simply want to punish the wealthy? Tough choice I'm assuming.


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