Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Farts in an Ice-Storm

 According to an article by Berner and Kothavala in the American Journal of Science (2001 - "A Revised Model of Atmospheric CO2 over Phanerozoic Time"), the atmospheric CO2 levels of the Ordovician-Silurian and Jurassic-Cretaceous glaciations were more than 4,000 ppm and 2,000 ppm respectively....So, folks, not only was there NOT a runaway greenhouse warming effect, they were damned ice-ages! Clearly, there are a lot of other, more powerful, variables at work here.


  1. Skeptical Science has a different opinion. Even Berner (one of the authors you reference) said "exact values of CO2... should not be taken literally."

  2. Skeptical Science is an anti-science rag. And, no, you obviously can't determine the exact CO2 levels from geological records but I'll take the word of actual geologists such as these 2, University of Ottawa's Jan Vezier and Ian Clark, etc. over a web site that constantly cherry-picks data/slanders those with whom they disagree with.

  3. I do give 'em credit, though, Jerry. These folks at SS make a monstrous deal over the fact these glaciations were only about a million years while at the same time trying to glean some sort of CO2 connection with warming over just 150 years. It's like they've concocted a scenario in which they cannot lose.

  4. Thanks once again Will for sticking to the facts.


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