Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Latest Progressive Strategy - I Shit You Not

Confiscate every cent of Fortune 500 CEO salaries and disseminate it to 500,000 lower wage individuals whose identities will be determined later by still another group of individuals who identities will be determined later. The CEOs will be free to keep their jobs and work for nothing if they desire. If, however, this is not a workable scenario, then a government bureaucrat will take the job for $170,000 a year and this will be paid for by raising taxes on the second rung of corporate CEOs (which, according to, is about $166,000 a year). Oh, and if the corporations end up being driven into the ground by these bureaucrats, they'll get a bailout (the heavily unionized employees all making $169,999 obviously getting the first bite at the fruit) as many times as necessary!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. He tried and I obviously bounced him.......Here's some additional numbers that I just crunched, dmarks. The CEO of Walmart made $20.7 million last year and Walmart as a corporation employs a total of 1.4 million people. So, even if this guy worked for nothing and all of that money went to the employees, that would be less than $15 a year per worker. And they want us to sake them seriously why again?

  3. Seriously? What, did the Progressives recently add this item to their platform? If so, perhaps they should change their name to the Socialist Worker's Party or something similar.

    Also, who tried to take over your blog? How did you stop them? Is this something I should be worried about?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I see you are alive and well and still bull shitting your reader(s)!

  7. It was a joke and exaggeration for the sake of effect (directed at Jerry and from a previous thread). I'm sorry if it offended your collectivist sensibilities, Vig.


  8. Will,never ever make jest of the Vigilante shows they have very thin skin and zero sense of humor.

  9. I was hoping that he would at least provide some commentary on Hedy Lamarr, Vivien Leigh, and Gene Tierney.


  10. Loons like him troll blogs looking for something negative said about their fringe and thay go apeshit.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I was going to give a more nuanced view on Vig but the fact that he came out of left field and attacked me I'm probably going to let the dude defend himself.......That and I seriously doubt that he'd ever defend me.


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