Friday, April 5, 2013


James Hansen and the rest of those 1990s IPCC climate modelers are the Dick Cheneys of environmentalism. Just like Cheney got virtually everything wrong when it came to the Iraq conflict (that we would be greeted as liberators, that the war would be completely paid off with oil money, etc.), Hansen and his crew have been fully discredited when it comes to predictions of global warming.........................................................................................a) They predicted far more atmospheric warming than has actually happened (air temperature has actually decreased from the El Nino highs of 1997).......b) They predicted far more oceanic warming than has actually happened (the Argo system has shown a steady ocean temperature since 2003 and any measurements prior to the Argo system are essentially worthless).......c) They predicted that the planet's sea levels would rise somewhere between 26-59 centimeters by 2100, with Al Gore going even farther than that at 20 feet (the Envisat Satellite which has been measuring sea levels since 2004 has sea levels rising at less than 4 centimeters per century).......d) They predicted a particular atmospheric warming in the tropics at about 10 kilometers up and that has fizzled, too (weather balloons have been measuring atmospheric temperatures since the 1960s and no hot spots have ever been uncovered).......e) They predicted that less and less heat would be radiated into space and the absolute opposite has occurred (ERBE instruments have been measuring outgoing radiation from satellites since the1980s).......f) They predicted a positive feedback loop between CO2 and water vapor of anywhere between 2 and 5 (so, instead of getting a 1 degree increase in warming for every doubling of CO2, you get a 2-5 degree increase - something that the geophysical evidence has never once put forth) and on that one they were WAY OFF (the actual feedback as measured by the outgoing radiation, surface temperatures, and CO2 levels has actually been negative; .5 - .6).......g) They predicted a massive reduction in global sea ice and that hasn't happened, either (sea ice as measured by the University of Illinois's Arctic Climate Research Center shows but a miniscule reduction).......................................................................................I think that we just have to face it here, folks. Virtually any other theory with a similar track record would have crashed and burned easily by now. BUT, because there now exist entire government agencies and entire university departments which cannot continue without it, AGW prevails...........................................................................................P.S. And, just for the record, I am not a "denier". I fully recognize that there was global warming from 1850 to 2000 and I am even willing to entertain the notion that human activity contributed to it. My only contention here is that our contribution has significantly been inflated and that these alarmist predictions by Al Gore and other folks are total bullshit. A 20 foot rise in seal levels by 2100. LOL!!


  1. I don't think that Cheney is nearly as wrong on Iraq in general... but you did a good job in pointing out his bad predictions.

  2. Honestly, I liked Cheney's tenure under the first President Bush better.

  3. "and I am even willing to entertain the notion that human activity contributed to it."

    Considering that the foundation of the idea of human-caused global warming is fabricated accounts by charlatans like Michael Mann, it is just as likely that human activity has been making the globe cooler than it would be otherwise.


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