Thursday, April 4, 2013

On The Hannity Show

Not enough segments on the Obamas' vacationing.


  1. and family taking lots of expensive vacations on the taxpayer dime when the country is going down the tubes angers me. Apparently it does not anger you?


  2. What pisses me off is flying Air Force One across the country this week for a fund raiser....that pisses me off.

  3. It's not good optics, Barlowe, I'll admit. But a) all Presidents do it and b) (and like even O'Reilly said) it's small ball that trivializes the far more urgent problems.......Yeah, I hear you on that one, Russ. Obama's goal seems to be to make the Rs look crappy on the sequester and then try and get a D Congress elected in 2014.

    1. Will, the rEpublicans are working hard to get a dEmocratic congress elected as well. They just fail to recognize it... Go figure.

  4. An important rejoinder that I clearly should have added. Yes indeed.


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