Saturday, April 6, 2013

O'Reilly's Biggest Blunder?

Wow. It would probably have to be the time when he made that boneheaded comment about the young kidnapped boy enjoying his captivity, a situation in which we later found out that the youngster was actually being butt-fucked repeatedly by the perpetrator. Yeah, I'd probably have to go with that one.


  1. Ranks up there with falafel sex. But not as baad, surely, as his refusal to come on "The Contra".

  2. Name and town, name and town, if you wish to opine

  3. Probably. I don't like how those guys gum up their shows with catch phrases and odd stuff. Even Paul Harvey did it.

    Like, for example, Sean Hannity. Code word: "Sweet Baby". He says it all the time on the radio, and the meaningless filler "Let not your heart be troubled". I've not watched Maddow enough to see if she has these verbal tics, but I assume she does too.

    And let's not get started with Rush Limbaugh, who can't pronounce the word "School" correctly to save his life, and goes all weird when he tries to say "Reverend Jackson".

  4. I made the mistake of listening to Sean Hannity on the radio today. If they turned it into a drinking game to down a shot every time he said "Sweet Baby", I would have turned my car into a Ted Kennedy submarine within a half hour, surely.

  5. I'm guessing he didn't know about the raping. O'Reilly didn't say the kid liked being raped; he said he liked not going to school.

  6. No, he definitely didn't know. Still shouldn't have shot his mouth off, though.


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