Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Probably When She Started Picking Off those Wolves from the Relative Comfort of a Helicopter

What would be my answer to the question, "So, when did you officially stop giving Sarah Palin the benefit of the doubt?"


  1. I have no Idea. But speaking as a red blooded American male she can pull my trigger anytime! ;-)

  2. I don't know, I think that kinda like Bachmann better (for hottiness, I'm saying).

  3. Not when people like Shaw Kenawe bashed her for saying that she could see Russia from her house, and insisting that it didn't matter that she never said that?

  4. Shaw, unfortunately, sees almost everything in black and white.

  5. ..was it not Tina Fey that could see Russia from Sarah's house?

  6. Black & White? Well, there is the
    Urban Dictionary...

    The study of certain prehistoric hominids who, it is theorised, may bear some relation to homo sapiens.

    These creatures were primitive hunter-gatherers, subsisting on a diet of bears, wolves and caribou, and armed with only the most primitive varmint-rifles and rudimentary helicopters. Their cranial capacity is estimated at one quarter that of homo sapiens, though archaeological evidence suggests they had attained the basic skills of flint-working, fire-making, and gratuitous self-publicity.

    It is believed they held a peculiarly close relationship with the species vulpes vulpes, and were in fact dependent on Fox for survival."

  7. BB: That fact didn't matter to Shaw at all.

  8. Some of Palin's critics I find almost as overbearing as her. At least BB is witty/hilarious in his assessments.


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