Wednesday, January 16, 2013

On Former Virginia Governor, Douglas Wilder

HE should have been the first black President, not frigging Obama.......Obama.


  1. I wonder what SK's thoughts on this are.

  2. I don't think that anybody could compete with Obama in her eyes.

  3. I have not heard of this man, but already, it seems like he's gone through way more than Obama ever had to endure! A chemistry degree and a Bronze Star for his efforts during the Korean War. Damn. Why can't we have more competent war heroes like this man for president?

    I also said something similar about Thomas Sowell on YouTube and how he shares way more in common with the working man than Obama and has been through 20x more hardship than him and how he should be a hero for the African American/black community.

    I even have the great Charlie Parker as my profile photo. He's one of my all-time favorite musicians.

  4. Roberto, do you have Sowell's "Economic Facts and Fallacies"? The book has an entire chapter dedicated to educational issues that you would probably find interesting.......Yeah, Charlie Parker rules (along, of course, with Dexter Gordon, John Coltrane, and Sonny Rollins).

  5. Roberto, are you on facebook? I typed in your name and got a boatload of Roberto Severinos. If you are, look me up. I think that I'm the ONLY Willis Hart.


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