Tuesday, January 15, 2013

On the Octomom Being Back on Welfare

I actually have an idea on this one. How 'bout instead of the tax-payers having to pick up the tab here, we have that idiotic fertility doctor who thought that it was AOK to have a single woman of below average means and who had already pumped out a half-dozen kids receive such a massive intervention pick it up instead? Huh, does that work for you?


  1. I knew that I could count on you for a nay, Les.

  2. I'm on board 100%! Why does this Octomom deserve any welfare money when she knowingly CHOSE to have all those kids? I can understand a very poor minority that's actually made an effort to work and contribute something back to this country, but people like her give welfare recipients a bad name.

  3. Yeah, I remember that movie where Spidey cleaned octodoc's clock.

  4. Unanimity rocks (and, yes, I stand corrected, Les).


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