Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On O'Reilly's "War on Christmas"

Haven't the time nor the interest. And, besides, I'm far too busy fighting my own epic battle; "The War Against Inane Topics Currently Being Foisted Upon the American Electorate by Egotistical and Paranoiac Cable Hosts Whose Sole Existence Seems to be the March for Higher Ratings/Advertising Dollars".


  1. How Olbermannesque of O'Reilly. The difference is he has more of a knack for it than the other guy and is less likely to throw career-destroying tantrums.

  2. "...the March for Higher Ratings/Advertising Dollars."

    That's the name of the game. Don't like the march? Don't watch and don't buy!

  3. Or better yet, watch and don't buy. Then you are ripping them off. a little.

  4. You're right, dmarks, the only real difference between them is success.............Maybe this is a cop-out, Jerry, but I kind of see myself as a media critic (and hopefully I've been even-handed at it) and because of that I have to watch these shows a little.

  5. ...and a larger group of circle jerks that just read.

  6. Thanks for the support, Jerry. As I'm sure you're aware, blogging can sometimes makes you enemies.

  7. Yeah, Jerry's most recent post, one anyone can like, contains too many just nasty comments.

  8. No, I was referring to Modechai's comment that I deleted (that's who Jerry was referring to also).

  9. Yeah, I could not find it so I went to Jerry's blog.


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