Monday, December 3, 2012

On the "Gang of Six"

Those dudes (Mark Warner, Tom Coburn, Dick Durbin, Kent Conrad, Saxby Chambliss, and Mike Crapo) came up with ten year plan that reduced the deficit by $3.7 trillion (at a roughly 2:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts). Is it perfect? No, of course not. Nothing is. But at least it's a start (not to mention infinitely better than anything that the President has offered of late) and isn't it about time that we did just that? Seriously?


  1. Politics, after all is said and done, is about power, control, and the attempt to maintain both. Both the President and the rEpublican leadership know how to play that game well.

  2. And I think both sides are more interested in timing and playing a blame game to position themselves best for the 2014 midterms, than they are in fixing anything.

  3. Yeah, it always does seem to be about the next election, huh?

  4. Any kook who thinks we need to waste billions on "official government news" of NPR, PBS, etc has proven he or she is not serious about solving any of the budget problems.

    I don't think that these are even "nice to haves". As a society, we are better off without them. The free press, and free discourse should not be interfered with by the ruling class, even in a supposedly benign fashion like this.. The less we are like North Korea, the better.

  5. I've got those on my hit-list, too. It's only $500,000,000 a year or so but, still, it all adds up.......Did you see Senator Coburn the other day? He cited a report that found almost 35 billion in waste and duplication in the Department of Homeland Security. For anybody to still say that we can't cut anymore than we already have and that we have to rely exclusively on tax increases is nuts.


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