Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On this Effing Stooge

I'll take "Individuals Seemingly Hell-Bent on Destroying the American Economy" for a thousand, Alex.


  1. This guy must have photo's of some high powered people fucking goats....there really is'nt any other explination.

  2. I don't agree with the Libertarians on everything, Russ. But on the FED and its oft-times destructive powers, I kinda do.

  3. And I have never seen a good argument against at least auditing the Fed.

  4. Amen. And a number of other big federal agencies, too.

  5. Add to this list of individuals anyone who voted for Obamacare. Its provisions to provide a penalty for employing people and a strong incentive to cut full-time 40-hours-a-week employees to 30-hours-a-week seems like something someone hellbent on wrecking the economy and family's livlihoods would do. It will clobber the tax base too: fewer people working fewer hours cuts tax revenue and drains government services.

    Add to this the already well-known provisions to force medial equipment makers to raise prices and offshore jobs.

    What were they thinking?


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