Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Playing the Republican Card/Plausible Deniability

President Obama is frequently compared by his harsher critics to Jimmy Carter. And, yeah, there are in fact some similarities; perceived and/or real ineffectiveness, major problems in the Middle-East, persistent difficulties with Congress (Mr. Carter's surprisingly more with his own party). But there is also one humongous difference. Obama can say (and President Carter couldn't) that he had to deal with a Republican Congress and that it was them who stymied his progress. Yes, it's possibly a stretch (this, in that Obama got a great deal of what he wanted early on and is also trying to take some credit for the lessened spending that those very same Republicans had forced him into) but, being that the Congress has an even lower approval rating (significantly, actually) than he does currently, I think that it's probably the most significant trump-card available to him.......And, so, yeah, he should use it.


  1. You fail to mention he had both the senate and house his first two yeras and all he could accomplish was a failed stimulus package and a vastly unpopular healthcare program.

  2. Actually, Russ, he only had a veto-proof majority in the Senate for about 4 months (though, yes, I should have differentiated more definitively the years, 1-2, and 3-4); from when Mr. Kirk was seated in MA to when Scott Brown was elected in MA - not exactly a huge opening for him.

  3. I'm glad there was a lot of opposition from the other party, and his own too.

    This kicked a lot of the teeth off of Obamacare, and made the stimulus less damaging (so fewer jobs were lost as a result).

  4. I'm also glad that Cap and Trade got derailed. Even Obama's own budget director at the time, Peter Orzsag (who I always considered one of Mr. Obama's better appointments), called it one of the biggest pieces of corporate welfare in American history.

  5. Good. Especially with global warming having peaked in this cycle several years ago.

  6. Glad to hear Global Warming is over...


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