Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pragmatic, Sensible, and Competent or Opportunistic, Indecisive, and Shameless?

I hate to say it but, based upon yesterday's debate (not to mention other things such as that whole 47% flap), I'm kind of leaning toward the latter option.......And, YES, this blog-post has been brought to you by the independent super-pac, Moderates for Johnson 2012.


  1. Don't forget, there's a lot of waffling on the other side.

    Such as Obama's lie that he would veto earmarks. (He broke the promise as soon as he could, which gives strong evidence he never kept to keep it).

    Or his terrible idea to free the terrorists in Gitmo. Sanity struck here, thankfully.

  2. You'll like this. In his glossy new 20 page position pamphlet, Obama says that he's going to reduce the deficit by getting rid of loopholes but doesn't say what those loopholes will be. What do they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flatter?

  3. Well, Will, the last time Obama said he would reduce the deficit (by half, his claim), he increased it substantially.

    Unfortunately, I doubt President Romney will make much of a dent in it.

  4. "Pragmatic, Sensible, and Competent or Opportunistic, Indecisive, and Shameless?"
    ..all of the above.

  5. Yeah, I would probably go with all of the above, too.

  6. Thanks for giving us Ann Coulter who had the class to call the President of the United States, a retard. Get what you give.

  7. That, and I don't seem to recall anybody here ever championing Ann Coulter.

  8. I'm as politically incorrect as anybody, dmarks. But the n-word, the f-word (the one pertaining to homosexuals), and the r-word - I really don't think that we need to be using words like those in the 21st century (no offense to Steve). I don't know, am I wrong here?

  9. Will: Do you think I am defending Coulter or something?

    I remember talking to Shaw about when Rahm Emanuel called Democrats "f***ing retards"

    Her amazing response was that there was nothing wrong with it; her friends who were parents of kids with Down Syndrome called their kids that all the time.

    Then there is JMJ (Jersey), a staunch liberal, whose main criticism of the Atlas Shrugged movie is that one of the characters in it was an f***** in (word for gay male).

    I see those on the Left defend and use these antiquated gems of hate speech more than I do conservatives.

  10. No, dmarks, I was referring to Steve's usage of the term over at Les's site.......And, yeah, I'm beginning to agree with you on the liberals' penchant to use such terminology.

  11. Just using the terminology the right wing haters use to define a president. What, your side can use disgusting terms, and the other side cannot? Hypocrites.

  12. There is so much invective and
    ad hominum in the political blogs.
    It accomplishes nothing. One of the better responses I've come across was from a gentle guy, a missionary, who was being called
    unsavory names by those who disagreed:
    "A healthy skepticism is good. A pathological need to personally attack those with whom you disagree and question every motive of ones political opponents shows an inability to think critically and logically about some very diverse and challenging situations." ...I'm thinking of
    carving that in stone out by the garden.....

  13. Yes it is, dmarks. I stole it without permission from a site.
    (has he used it before, and worse,
    did he steal it from you?!)

  14. No, I am not good at coining such statements. But I recognized Dave from your description. A man of sterling character and temperament.

  15. I don't really have a side, Steve, and I'm voting for Gary Johnson. I've also defended Mr. Obama numerous times on charges of extremism and that the fellow's a communist. AND I've consistently criticized people such as Hanity and Limbaugh (for being so divisive)....Just in case you're interested.

  16. If you guys are talking bout Dave Miller, I agree. He's definitely a breath of fresh air.

  17. I've not found one left-blogger like him in these positive regards. I'm sure they exist and not far away, but I guess they are not terribly common around here.

  18. I believe that BB Idaho, John Myste, Jerry (despite his majorly leftist leanings), and my buddy, Marcus, would qualify as well.

  19. I thought of BB right away but dismissed him solely because I can't find a blog for him. Wasn't aware of one for Marcus either but I have not checked. But yes, given more thought, I think you are right on the others.

    I really should have also remembered Malcolm B. of "Progrssive Soup".

  20. I dont currently produce a blog but have considered it...If I did one it would probrably be on music, literature, culture, etc...Politics 24/7 I find unbearble

  21. I was thinking about starting one that focused solely on classic film babes; Gene Tierney, Hedy Lamarr, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Barbara Stanwyck, Olivia de Havilland, Deborah Kerr, Vivien Leigh, Carole Lombard, Norma Shearer, Ava Gardner, and even some of the more unheralded ones; Jean Simmons, Joan Fontaine, Eva Marie Saint, and Teresa Wright. I still might do the thing.

  22. You should feel highly complimented Will. El Steverino, the Canine Crap Dropper has visited, depositing more pointless unfounded statements.

    Just proving once again how right your positions generally are.

    Hey, Stevie Girl, how's it going down in the cellar these days?


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