Monday, October 22, 2012

Pulling the "Trigger" - Addendum

I know that some on the left would have preferred that we had captured Mr. bin Laden and tried him, etc.. And, yes, there is in fact some merit to that. But I'm not going to second-guess the President or the Seals on this. This, I believe, was a mission that had to take place quickly and, if apprehending this piece of garbage (and whoever else who may have been with him) had caused it to lag even a little, it would have been a HUGE mistake. Decisiveness was what we needed and, yessiree, if that meant putting a bullet between his eyeballs, I do not have an issue with it.


  1. Agreed. We were kinder than the monster deserved.

  2. "I know that some on the left would have preferred that we had captured Mr. bin Laden and tried him,"

    Plugging Osama on sight, was, unfortunately, very reasonable considering the idea of self defense. As Osama someone who made constant threats and employed suicide bombers, there is very good reason to believe that if, given time, even of a few seconds, he would have blown himself up (along with innocent people) or initiated communications in order to cause even more deaths.


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