Friday, September 21, 2012

Word Association Volume 3

Experience, integrity, principled, freedom, empowerment, sensibility, unimpeachable.


  1. I voted for Bob Barr in 2008....I just could'nt hold my nose and vote for McCain.

    I may just sit this one out....drink some Gary Goose that night and watch a movie with Mrs.Rusty.

  2. I gave Barr a good, long look in 2008. This year, I'm actually pulling the trigger (for Johnson).

  3. I might even start smoking pot again (pending the results, of course).

  4. Gary is the man for the future. His ideas are rock solid fiscal conservative and social libertarian.

    As the ObamaBots will likely win the day on Nov. 6th we must support the Libertarian Party and prepare Gary for 2016.

    Well, that is if we don't go over the cliff before then.

  5. There is something unprincipled about him: his frivolous lawsuit which abuses both the courts and the anti-trust idea in his effort to crash a private party.

    I support him being in the debates. I oppose his team lying in the courtroom like this to attempt to violate the freedom of assembly of other individuals in a private matter.

    If he really has integrity, he will back off from using deception and the abusive power of government to get in the debates and use reason instead.


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