Friday, September 21, 2012

Word Association Volume 2

Disingenuous/phony, chameleon/malleable, awkward, uninspiring, secretive, excruciating (as in for those who have to listen to him), vacuous.


  1. Why the fuck cant the Republicans find a decent candidate.Four years ago they stood McCain up in front of the firing they've got Romney.

    I live in Clark County Nevada where the vast majority of homes are under water and the unemployment rate is close to 14%,yet Obama is going to carry it in the general.Go fiqure.

  2. Who did you root for in the primaries, Rusty? If anyone? You probably made it clear then, but I forget.

  3. Actually dmarks I did'nt root for any of them....I liked some things Santorum had to say and Newt,although he's crazy is really a smart guy.I just cant connect to Romney.

  4. I can't help but think that fellows like Jindal and Daniels are probably kicking themselves now.......Me, I kinda liked Jon Huntsman. Me and his family essentially.


  5. I could have strongly supported Mitch Daniels.

  6. Huntsman was the first name I thought of when thinking of forgotten primary-era figures that were will liked.

    I don't know a thing about Daniels.

    Jindal is the one Shaw Kenawe bashes for being 'colored'.

  7. Willard Mitt (The Human Flipper) Romney.

  8. You know RN,I really dont care about "flip flops," everyone changes their mind on occasion.What frost my balls about Romney and his campaign is their total lack of tuffness.I mean,if you're gonna go down,for christ sake go down swinging.This is the McCain campaign in redux.

  9. Or in reflux, as the case may be.

  10. Well, there's at least one guy who's fighting for Romney. John Sununu. Have you seen the dude? He hasn't taken as much as a molecule of guff from anybody. Too bad that they can't frigging clone him.


  11. Too bad Romney does'nt have the balls that Sununu has.Or that Ann has.

  12. Sunnunu continues his abrasive ways. He even incensed the old time conservatives ...
    ..Huntsman, the one guy that would have me going back to the GOP.

  13. I didn't mean to imply that I liked the guy, just that the dude was fighting for Romney harder than Romney himself was.

  14. "John Sununu....Too bad that they can't frigging clone him."

    Would the clown be be Sununu-new? or Sununu 2?

  15. I meant clone.... oops. I will leave the typo un-deleted though.


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