Saturday, September 22, 2012

Still don't think that MSNBC lies like Fox?


  1. Not only does MSNBC lie like Fox, it is hardly even a news network.

    They pad their schedule every day with many hours of trash like "Dateline" reruns. They don't even try... unlike CNN and Fox.

  2. Replies
    1. I hope you don't think that arbitrarily cutting material out is any sort of 'journalism'. Oh wait, it can't be. The altered version is being presented by a partisan opinion mag, not any real journalists.

  3. Both sides are slinging it, Jerry (Fox and Romney on one side, Obama and MSNBC on the other). It's one of the major reasons why I'm voting NOTA.

  4. Well, that's one way to avoid responsibility for the winner.

  5. It's part of my make-up, Jerry. I voted for Perot, not once but twice.


  6. You cant compare Fox and MSNBC,apples and oranges.

    Fox,at least has hours of actual news coverage prior to their commentary shows.MSNBC is hate Romney wall to wall,from those two twits in the morning till the screeching dyke at night.

    Spitten Chris gets about 250,000 viewers,not enough to even move the needle and Bill O tripples fat Ed's viewership.They just preach to the choir where Fox get viewers from all walks of life.

  7. Rusty said; "Fox,at least has hours of actual news coverage prior to their commentary shows."

    Exactly. Fox has a few hours of biased talking heads... and a lot of news. MSNBC has a few hours of biased talking heads... and the rest of the time is bargain-basement "no cost to the network" junk like Dateline infotainment reruns.

    I remember watching MSNBC during the turn of the millenium. Andy Kaufmann had just died, and it seemed that the MSNBC schedule was 22 hours a day of old Kaufman celebrity fluff pieces and interviews.

  8. I would give MSNBC decent grades from 7AM to 11AM; "Morning Joe", "The Daily Rundown" with Chuck Todd, and "Jansing and Company". After that, I thoroughly agree. It's garbage.

  9. This is a perfect example of how fake "journalists" like those at MSNBC like to lie.

    As for the rest of MSNBC, Will agrees "After that, I thoroughly agree. It's garbage."

    Lying during making the news is an old game for the NBC networks.

    Remember Stone Phillips on Dateline? He fabricated a report of supposed "consumer interest" about how dangerous a car was, and likely to blow up. He packed the car with explosives to make it blow up.

    Yeah, it's dangerous. Just like my Schwinn bicycle would be, if I packed C-4 all over the frame.


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