Friday, September 21, 2012

Word Association Volume 1

Verbose, chutzpah, governmental, bullshit, pander, gullible, ideological.


  1. Extremely arrogant, too. I recently heard a clip of him from the 2008 election pontificating on how much the world will change if he were elected. Ridiculous second-coming type language.

    Idiotic crap that you can't imagine even George W. Bush, Biden, Palin, or Bachman ever saying.

  2. I evidently fell for it in that I voted for him (not that I think that McCain would be tearing the hide off the ball, either, mind you).

  3. Mr. Obama is a patriot and a rock solid family man. But I must admit that I've soured on him some. He pats himself on the back for getting rid of water-boarding but at the same time he's been sending terror suspects overseas to countries that do things significantly worse than water-boarding.......And then there was the health-care bill (which actually had some decent elements to it). He gives all of his SEIU union buddies a waiver but he couldn't cut self-insured Catholic affiliated businesses a break. That one was probably the final straw for me.

  4. "Mr. Obama is a patriot"

    Really? How so? Beyond tepid lip service.

  5. Will said: "He gives all of his SEIU union buddies a waiver..."

    All of the waivers add up to Obama sending a message that "Obamacare" is really bad.... something to exempt your friends from.

  6. The responses here and the other two sections were predictable...I consider myself a reasonable Democrat...I too was dissapointed that President Obama didn't get more done but I don't blame him for everything...The partisian hatred I've listened to these past 3 + years I find inexusable. I would have taken a serious look at Huntsman had he been choosen...As it stands now I can't vote for Romney. I wish Mr Johnson would be given more time to speak but know how things work...I still don't believe Obama will win so the world will be "safe" once again...

  7. Les, I think that all 3 of these guys love their country equally. It's just a question as to where they want to lead it. I personally can't vote for either Obama or Romney at this point but also think that they're good and decent Americans.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Marcus said: "The partisian hatred I've listened to these past 3 + years I find inexcusable."

    What about the partisan hatred of the 8 years before that? Calling Bush a Nazi so many times? Mainstream pundits saying it would be a good idea if Bush were assassinated? The bogus impeachment effort by Kucinich? (At least Obama's opponents haven't done THAT) Saying he wasn't really elected? Questioning his legitimacy? Democrats wishing Bush would fail (apparently it was good to want the President to fail back then, but bad now) ?

    Was it all OK then, Marcus? Or also inexcusable?

    As long as you don't see any fundamental difference between either group of unhinged opponents...

  10. Dmarks: As you should know, I have tried to be reasonably fair with my criticisms of President Bush...I never approved of the Nazi talk. Yes it was shameful and childish...stuff we would expect from WD and his ilk. I don't agree that President Bush was treated as bad as Obama has been...A lot of the stuff coming from Conservatives has been both personal and mainstream. I don't believe in "payback" politics...If Romney is elected I hope he suceeds, I won't ask for his birth certificate, I wont call him a socialist. terrorist and unamerican...And when he does something right I will give him credit fot it...something Conservatives seem incapable of.I don't buy into thid crap thst its all the presidents fault neurosis...

  11. How 'bout this, guys? John Kerry wasn't a traitor. John McCain wasn't a North Vietnamese collaborator. George Bush wasn't a war-criminal. Barack Obama isn't a communist. And Mitt Romney isn't a tax-cheat/murderer.

  12. Sounds fine, and we can move on now.


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