Friday, September 7, 2012

A Job for Dennis Franz, Perhaps

I like the fact that Mr. Romney wants to reform the tax-code (a la Simpson-Bowles, a la Rivlin-Domenici, a la the Gang of Six). I DON'T like the fact that he isn't telling us how. I mean, I know that candidates generally don't like to tip their hand before an election and all, but something. HE NEEDS TO GIVE US SOMETHING.........................................................................................He also needs to be more specific on foreign policy. I mean, yes, I can gather that he's hawkish (he accused Mr. Huntsman of wanting to "cut and run" in Afghanistan) and, yes, that bothers me. But would bother me even more if I knew that he was going to surround himself with people like Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Richard Perle (perhaps the slimiest Scoop Jackson protege of all), Elliot Abrams, etc.....I don't know. Do Jim Baker and Brent Scowcroft have any sons and daughters?


  1. Will,I think you'll see specific's in the debates....for christ sake has Obama voiced any?

  2. I would say that both men are fairly lacking....Gary Johnson, now there's some beef!

  3. Did you get the Dennis Franz joke, the way that he interrogated those cretins on "NYPD Blue"?...Yeah, yeah, I know, don't quit my convalescent home job.


  4. There you go again....its all about the ganja.

  5. IF Romney needs a naked cop. Dennis Franz is the man for the job.

  6. Sipowitz, yeah, that was his name. One of the greatest television characters EVER.


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