Thursday, September 6, 2012

Miscellaneous 140

1) That poor bastard who lost his wife to cancer and who blamed it on Romney in the commercial - that steel mill was set to go under in 1993. Bain Capital took it over and kept the place going for an additional EIGHT YEARS. For this guy to have apparently done nothing to make himself more marketable and blame Romney (for his wife's death THIRTEEN YEARS LATER) when literally everybody knew that a) Bain had taken the place over and b) the facility was on exceedingly shaky ground is major-league chutzpah, in my opinion.............2) We've been doing demand-push stimulus for the better part of five years now; Bush's stimulus, Obama's massive stimulus, Obama's omnibus, the bailout of the auto industry (which I wasn't opposed to, btw), the bailout of Fannie and Freddie (which I DID oppose), multiple extensions of unemployment benefits, Cash for Clunkers, a major expansion of the food stamp program, two lengthy payroll tax holidays, the FED flooding the market with currency and keeping the interest rates artificially low, etc., etc. (never minding the fact that we've been in a continuous state of war as well). Couple that with the fact that the federal budget has gone from 1.8 trillion in 2000 to 2.7 trillion in 2007 to 3.8 trillion in 2012 and it really is a tough sell to say that we haven't been stimulating ENOUGH.............3) Early in 2001, Richard Clarke was praising President Bush. It was only after 9/11 that he started doing this Kabuki dance/damsel in distress routine. I personally don't trust him and firmly believe that he's simply covering his ass.


  1. I thought Richard Clarke was a creepy bastard the first time I saw him......he always seemed full of himself.When actually he was just just another disgruntled former employee....the kind the left loves.


  2. Hey,if you folks want to read something by a "real" writter check out Peggy Noonan's WSJ piece.She is amazing.

  3. I like writers like Peggy Noonan; writers who broadside their own side from time to time (David Frum is another one that I like).


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