Friday, September 7, 2012

Please, Please, Pleeeeeeeease, Listen to This  - I'm laughing so hard that it hurts. Seriously.


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    to make it easier.

    The thing Cooper said about TV news anchors starting feuds with other anchors because they are miserable failures is dead on: remember when Olbermann tried to ride on O'Reilly's coat-tails this way.

    If you are good at what you do, you won't resort to such embarassing stunts.

    CNN is the "adult in the room" once more. This reminds me of when Piers Morgan tore Toure to ribbons.

    Some of these MSNBC guys, seriously, are complete failures. Calling them "guys" as I am not sure what to call them. "Journalists" they aren't, that's fore sure. The word "guy" fits in a generic sense here, as it does in other situations where someone has an occupation that they are really occupying as opposed to doing anything useful in it or excelling in it.

    Like the cable guy, who can never even do something basic like show up on time. Ed Schultz is a "TV guy".

  2. And sometimes it isn't even ideological. Mark Levin and Michael Savage are both conservatives and they absolutely eviscerate each other. Levin is actually quite hilarious about it. On Savage,"he's 5'3" wide and 5'1" tall."

  3. I think Levin sounds kind of lame going after Weiner. And it gives Weiner free publicity.

  4. I give Levin credit to this extent. He's getting paid to have fun. Not a bad gig.

  5. Too bad he can't pronounce the word "length" to save his life!


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