Thursday, June 14, 2012

On Steve Nash 2

And nobody, NOBODY, has ever been as good at making their teammates better. The year before Mr. Nash came to the Suns, they were a sorrowful 29-53 team. The first year with Nash (and, yes, he was basically their only acquisition), they skyrocketed to 62-20, a 33 victory increase. Apart from Larry Bird's initial year with the Celtics, I can't for the life of me think of a player who has had such an immediate impact. Again, it's just too damn bad that the fellow doesn't have a ring.


  1. Did not Rusty already explain this to you, wd?

  2. A basketball player? Who cares? It isn't as if he does anything important or entertaining. He should get a real job.

  3. It is a real job, wd. And that, me-buck, is the beauty of America. One singular, insular human being with a chip on his shoulder doesn't get to dictate what the rest of the country deems to be worthy and valuable. You really need to develop a little more tolerance for other people's interests and values - for your own ever-loving sake, wd.

  4. Will: One singular, insular human being with a chip on his shoulder doesn't get to dictate what the rest of the country deems to be worthy and valuable.

    I don't know who this person you're referring to is... but I agree that he or she shouldn't be able to "dictate".

    But I have no idea what this unidentified person dictating has to do with me stating my opinion might be.

    Which is something I think you need to develop a little more tolerance for... other people's opinions.

    If someone states one that is contrary to yours you frequently go on the attack... making up all kinds of outlandish insults based on things you have no way of knowing. It's quite ridiculous.

  5. You're the one who claimed that a man with a level of talent, commitment, and dedication that you will never even come close to doesn't have a "real job'. And you're the one who also makes fun of people who watch sports and claim that sports is boring. Compare that to me who has never made fun of your movie-soundtrack affinity and wouldn't make fun of any other interest if you had any.

  6. "But I have no idea what this unidentified person dictating..."

    It sure fits in with you. I remember when you came down like a ton of bricks with your jackbooted thuggery over the hypothetical question of whether someone who wants to buy a Hyundai or not should be allowed to make their own informed decision.

    And yes, Nash has a real job. He works hard, and earns his money.

  7. wd obviously doesn't count the thousands of hours in the gym and in the weight room and watching and studying film.

  8. dmarks: I remember when you came down like a ton of bricks with your jackbooted thuggery over the hypothetical question of whether someone who wants to buy a Hyundai or not should be allowed to make their own informed decision.

    You remember wrong... or are flat-out lying. I support an individual's right to choose in this matter... by voting for the politican who agrees with their views on trade.

    Will: wd obviously doesn't count the thousands of hours in the gym and in the weight room and watching and studying film.

    No, I do not count that, because it's in preparation for playing a game. Good for them (I guess) if they can get people to fork over their hard earned money to watch people they don't know play a game, but I certainly don't understand why anyone would want to engage in an activity that mind-numbingly boring. It's completely baffling.

  9. WD: I correctly summarized you on the Hyundai issue.

    "I support an individual's right to choose in this matter... by voting for the politican who agrees with their views on trade."

    That's no choice at all. Such a decision should be 100% up to the would-be Hyundai owner. Not turned over to ignorant and distant people (the ruling elites) with a different agenda that don't know the would be owner's situation.

    The individual should decide.

  10. Preparation IS work. Especially when your livelihood depends upon it.......And, again, it's boring FOR YOU.

  11. Will: You know the drill, if WD finds it boring, it is objectively boring for all. And everyone who does not share WD's fringe views (which means about 85% or so of the people) is a dupe, a victim of some sort of nefarious mind-control conspiracy.

  12. dmarks: The individual should decide.

    This is the position of a wealthy idolizer who hates American workers and wants to destroy their jobs in order to put more money in the plutocrat's pockets.

    dmarks: Not turned over to ignorant and distant people (the ruling elites) with a different agenda that don't know the would be owner's situation.

    It sounds like you don't understand how democracy works. Our elected representatives don't have a "different agenda", they represent the agenda of the American people.

    I think dmarks understands democracy... he just doesn't like it. This is why he wants these decisions to be made by the "individual"... what he really means is he thinks democracy should be set aside and the plutocrats should make these decisions.

    I believe in democracy and therefore strongly oppose dmarks' desire to turn our trade decisions over to the plutocrats.

    Will: Preparation IS work. Especially when your livelihood depends upon it... And, again, it's boring FOR YOU.

    Preparation to play a game! Most people's lives consist of work and recreation (play). They get paid to work, and play on their own time. They don't get paid to play games.

    And, yes, I was talking about me. I find watching sports boring. You think my comments should be someone else's opinion?

  13. NBA basketball is more than a game. It's a person's livelihood and without that hard WORK of preparation you lose that livelihood faster than you can say wd hates George W. Bush.......And you didn't state it in the form of an opinion. You stated it in the form of a declarative statement.

  14. Will: didn't state it in the form of an opinion. You stated it in the form of a declarative statement.

    I declaratively stated my opinion that sport is boring. You think I should add "IMO" to the end of every fricking thing I say? I don't see it added to the end of everything you say.

    Will: NBA basketball is more than a game. It's a person's livelihood and without that hard WORK of preparation you lose that livelihood faster than...

    He is able to make it his livelihood because people with real jobs pay to watch him play. If not for people who like things that are boring all professional sport would disappear faster than you can say Will hates LBJ.

  15. Actually, I don't have an opinion on other people's interests. I recognize that everybody has different tastes and it doesn't bother me one iota that other people find things interesting that I in fact may find "boring". It's part of being an adult.............And, again, it IS a real job. Just because you don't see the value in it is about as immaterial as immaterial can get.......And what about an actor in a Broadway play? Is that not a "real job", too. Or are only the stage hands considered "really" employed.............Telling another human being that they don't have a real job. How frigging ballsy.

  16. WD said: "He is able to make it his livelihood because people with real jobs pay to watch him play."

    Interesting to see you here also bashing workers.

    NBA players are indeed workers. Very good ones at that: they work very hard and earn a lot of money for it.

    Will: "Telling another human being that they don't have a real job."

    WD bashing workers. So what else is new? Its fits in how elsewhere he bashes workers and opposes their interests, such as in Wisconsin.

  17. Huh? It's you, dmarks, who is opposing the rights of workers in Wisconsin and in general bash them (constantly). Such as when you oppose fair pay for workers by referring to it as a "handout".

    His primary agenda is to promote polices that drive down the wages of workers. That is why he opposes the minimum wage, unions, and is gung-ho to destroy American jobs by outsourcing them to foreign countries. dmarks is as anti-worker as they come.

  18. WD: Here are the facts: The Democrats took an anti-worker stance in Wisconsin, favoring forcing workers to join political organizations against their will. The Republicans, in a major contrast to this, sided with the workers, saying this should be the choice of each worker.

    In one instance, the NEA, a notorious anti-teacher anti-worker political pressure group, ational Education Association, saw membership plummet to 28,745 from 62,818 after Walker's pro-worker reforms.

    That's most of Wisconsin's teachers, who individually made the choice to say "union no".

    "Such as when you oppose fair pay for workers by referring to it as a "handout".

    Actually, you are using an arbitrary and imaginary definition of 'fair' that is also completely ignorant, since those who are involved with the deal disagree with you. When the government forces an employer to hand out free money just for the hell of it, it is in complete fact a handout.

  19. WD also said: "...and is gung-ho to destroy American jobs by outsourcing them to foreign countries."

    Not at all. Since I am for workers and am not a bigot, I favor the workers who do the best job earning jobs. No matter what the color of their skin. This means outsourcing and insourcing.... and no fascist "trade restrictions" enacted in fear of yellow-skinned and brown-skinned people who sometimes make people angry by daring to do a better job at some things.

    Of course, there are other factors, such as the over-regulation and overtaxation and forced unionization which forces companies to hire people overseas. Solve these problems and things get a lot better too.

  20. this should be the choice of each worker = workers should be able to decide if they want to be raped by the plutocrats.

    arbitrary and imaginary definition of 'fair' = wages that aren't low enough.

    the best job earning jobs = how willing the worker is to be raped to enrich the plutocrats.

    Solve these problems and things get a lot better too = wages drop dramatically and the plutocrats get richer.

    dmarks: ...teachers, who individually made the choice to say "union no".

    Baloney. They said no to paying dues to a union that no longer has power. If Scott Walker had not crushed the unions the teachers would have been happy to remain dues paying members. Why pay when you aren't getting anything for your money?

  21. "If not for people who like things that are boring all professional sport would disappear faster than you can say Will hates LBJ."......I'm sure that there are people out there (and, no, I'm NOT one of them) who would say the same exact thing about movie soundtracks.

  22. WD said:

    "this should be the choice of each worker = workers should be able to decide if they want to be raped by the plutocrats."

    The workers strongly disagree with you. I trust them more than I trust you. This includes the 30% to 60% who feel that it is the union "Raping" them, not innocent individuals you label "plutocrats"

    "arbitrary and imaginary definition of 'fair' = wages that aren't low enough."

    Not at all. I am referring to the real value of the work, not imaginary and ignorant numbers made up by outsiders. The fair wage can also be higher, of course, as in the case of "merit pay" opposed by teachers' unions.

    "how willing the worker is to be raped to enrich the plutocrats.

    Working people strongly disagree with you. Again, I trust them.

    "Solve these problems and things get a lot better too = wages drop dramatically and the plutocrats get richer."

    Actually, wages go up as unmployed people get jobs that the union kept them from.

    "They said no to paying dues to a union that no longer has power."

    The only power the union lost was the power to bully and rob workers. Workers who never even voted for the union.

    "If Scott Walker had not crushed the unions..."

    He didn't crush or bust them.

    "...the teachers would have been happy to remain dues paying members."

    Some yes, some not. You, being opposed to workers' rights, only support one side. I support both.

    "Why pay when you aren't getting anything for your money?"

    That's my point! It is true of all unions that force people to pay. So lets support "right to work" for all.


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