Friday, June 15, 2012

One Good Woman

CBS News's, Sharyl Attkisson, is one of the few mainstream reporters currently investigating "Operation Fast and Furious". And, according to Attkisson at least, it hasn't always been an easy assignment. This, in that, not only have the administration and Justice Department been less than forthcoming, she has also been verbally accosted in her quest to get key answers....Yeah, huh? So much for this administration being a "transparent" one.


  1. There is no transparency. Also no integrity either.

    Gee, what a surprise huh?

    Methinks not.

  2. I'm not familar with Sharyl Attkisson, but are you sure she's a "mainstream reporter", and not a Conservativ partisan?

    Wikipedia says, "in 2012, CBS News accepted an Investigative Reporting Award given to Attkisson's reporting on ATF's 'Fast and Furious' gunwalker controversy. The award was from the conservative media watchdog group 'Accuracy in Media' and was presented at the Conservative Political Action Conference".

    If a Conservative "media watchdog" gave her report an award she must have left out the part about "Fast and Furious" being a continuation of bush administration tactics.

  3. Hey, the Bush whacker. Another not at all surprising appearance.

    Think you'll ever move on wd? We know how hard it must be for you to grasp life beyond your anti Bush obsession but really...

  4. No, I don't believe I ever will "move on" from the truth.

  5. Uh, no, wd, she's a well-respected reporter who works for CBS News (that's a mainstream news organization unless you've been hiding under a rock for your entire life) and who shouldn't be disrespected simply because a conservative group said that they liked ONE story that she did. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Holder has been stonewalling and quite probably been lying to Congress (either that or he's senile). And while the Bush administration may have engaged in this idiotic tactic, too, a) they certainly didn't do so to this extreme (some 2,000 AK-47s) and b) two wrongs never do make a right.

  6. - This is an interview of Ms. Attkisson on C-Span. I suggest that you watch it and then apologize to the woman.

  7. wd . Fine by me.

    Perhaps when GWB id dead you'll give up your crusade.

  8. WD will be the guy doing this on GWB's grave.

  9. I did some pretty harsh posts on Bush myself 4-5 years ago but you start to get a little perspective after awhile. ...I mean, my God, he's starting to blame him for Fast and Furious now.

  10. Will: God, he's starting to blame him for Fast and Furious now.

    Bullshit. My position hasn't changed. I'm not "starting to" anything. Here is my comment from your 4/3/2012 post on the same topic...

    According to a 10/14/2011 HuffPo story: (excerpt) Earlier this month, it was disclosed that the gun-walking tactic (ATF agents – depending on Mexican authorities to follow up – let guns "walk" across the border in an effort to identify higher-ups in gun networks) didn't begin under Obama, but was also used in 2006 under his predecessor, George W. Bush. [end excerpt]

    My conclusion: This isn't an Obama Administration scandal, much as Will and Rusty want it to be. I'd call it an ATF scandal. What they did wrong, according to the article, was that they kept Mexican authorities in the dark... and the decision was made by some guy named "Newel", who was the "special agent in charge of the Phoenix division".

  11. Again, wd, they (the Bush administration) didn't do to the extreme that this administration did (over 2,000 AK-47s!!). And I haven't even criticized Obama on this. Holder is the man who has been dragging his feet on this and quite probably been lying to Congress as well.......Also, was it an ATF screw-up when it happened under Bush OR, because it happened under Bush, was it a Bush scandal?......And when I said, started, I meant recently. 2 months is recently.

    1. Not wd, he is no doubt already working on tomorrow's spin...

  12. If 2,000 AK-47s had landed in Mexico and a border agent killed by one of them during the Bush administration, wd would be wetting himself over it. But because it happened under a Democratic administration, nothing.

  13. I agree with (and believe) the president, who on 3/23/2012 said "neither he nor Attorney General Holder authorized Fast and Furious" and that "there may be a situation here in which a serious mistake was made, and if that's the case then we'll find out and we'll hold somebody accountable".

  14. Maybe Holder didn't authorize it, but there were clearly documents that indicate that he should have at least known about it and so, no, the man is either lying or not doing his job. He should do President Obama a big favor and resign.

  15. He could resign and join on a ticket with the former lousy legislator in a ticket to challenge Obama: Weiner-Holder 2012

  16. Anthony Weiner was an A+ legislator... he did have poor judgment when it came to deciding what pictures to tweet though. I'm surprised dmarks makes no claims of taking bribes or raping children.

    And why the hell would they challenge Obama? They're both Democrats.

    I predict Holder will not resign and "fast and furious" won't be a big issue in the election.

    Will: Maybe Holder didn't authorize it, but there were clearly documents that indicate that he should have at least known about it...

    And bush should have known Iraq had no WMD. There are documents that show bush lied and you don't care about them. Given how many times bush was warned, he should have at least known about it.

  17. You know what, wd, maybe if some of those 77 Senators who had voted yes had actually taken the time to read the NIE (or at least the damned 5 page summary), they would have seen the ambiguity, caveats, and differences with Bush and voted a little more intelligently.............And what documents are you talking about, documents that proved Mr. Bush lied? Mr. Holder said that he had never heard about F&F when it was clear from the documents that he had.............I mean, yeah, maybe Mr. Bush pushed some intelligence more than others. But that could have been simply idiocy and delusional thinking and not willful malfeasance.

  18. Weiner was a terrible lesiglator with a voting record that consisted largely of voting for more power for the State and less for the ruled.

    "I'm surprised dmarks makes no claims of taking bribes or raping children."

    I only mention such things where they are true. While it was bad for Weiner to kick the country in the teeth with just about every legislative vote, there is nothing illegal about it.

    "And bush should have known Iraq had no WMD."

    Then Bush would have been an ignorant fool.

    "There are documents that show bush lied and you don't care about them."

    There are no such documents.

  19. dmarks: While it was bad for Weiner to kick the country in the teeth with just about every legislative vote...

    He always voted on the side of the people... not the wealthy ones perhaps... those are the only people his votes may have "kicked in the teeth". For the majority of Americans though his votes were the opposite of "kicked in the teeth".

    Also, what about the people who voted for him? Are you arrogantly suggesting they don't know their own lives enough to realize they're voting for someone who is kicking them in the teeth?

    dmarks: There are no such documents.

    There were many news stories that reported the weapons inspectors said they weren't finding WMD. They can be Googled for easily. (refuted that lie easily).


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