Thursday, June 14, 2012

On Steve Nash

With the possible exception of Michelle Pfeiffer, nobody's aging better. The fellow shot 54% from the field (an absolutely unbelievable figure from a guard), 89% from the foul-line, and was second in the league in assists at 10.7 per game. And he's STILL one of the fastest players in the league - foul-line to foul-line. It's just too bad that the dude's never won a title....Hey, maybe next year if the Suns can somehow sign Dwight Howard....or the real Superman.


  1. I clicked on tonights game....did'nt see Steve Nash many rings does Nash have? I think the answer is he should switch to soccer where everyone gets a trophy

  2. He lettered in 4 sports in high school, Russ, so, yeah, maybe.

  3. WD,its Nash you twit....Steve Nash...his family began the Nash Motor Company...surely you've heard of the Nash Rambler.His great grandfather designed that car.Get with the program.

  4. So what? The guy's coasting on the accomplishments of his great grandfather?

  5. Hey, Russ, did you take a look at the other 4 starters on that Suns team this year? Take away Nash and they would have gone 10-56/11-55.

  6. Wrong again WD.Steve Nash is'nt even close to coasting on his great grandfather's accomplishments.

    Do you realize that it's Steve Nash and his older brother Bridges who hold the patent on intermittent windshield wipers?

    For goodness sake WD...get a clue.

    Hey Will....did'nt he have Sir Charles for a couple years?

  7. Russ!! I said that Nash was old, not geriatric.

  8. Rusty: Do you realize that it's Steve Nash and his older brother Bridges who hold the patent on intermittent windshield wipers?

    What the hell are you talking about Rusty? Robert Kearns invented the intermittent windshield wipers. I saw the movie based on this life starring Greg Kinnear. It was called "Flash of Genius". The score was composed by Aaron Zigman. I own the CD.

    Also, according to Wikipedia, Steve Nash "is a South African-born Canadian professional basketball player who plays point guard for the Phoenix Suns" and Charles W. Nash "was a United States automobile entrepreneur and served as an executive in the automotive industry".

    They're not related.

    Conclusion: Rusty was BSing me. Question is, why didn't Will say anything? I guess Will knows diddly-squat about the man outside of his basketball background.

  9. Also, Wikipedia says Steve Nash has a younger brother named Martin.

    Bridges Nash? Are you talking about "Nash Bridges", the TV show starring Don Johnson? I've never seen it.

    I looked it up on Wikipedia, and interestingly the theme music is by Elia Cmiral... the composer who wrote the music for "Battlefield Earth" (the Scientology movie) and "Atlas Shrugged: Part 1" (The Objectivist movie).

    All REAL facts I bet Rusty didn't know. Apparently when you ascribe to an ideology that isn't big on facts (Conservatism) making up your own comes quite easily.

  10. Thanks for doing all that leg work you twit.....

    See my thumb? Boy you're dumb.

  11. Agreed Will,Nash is the second best point guard of the past 25 years....behind John Stockton of course.Nash had every opportunity to leave the Sun's but stayed and should be commended for staying...he did make about a zillion dollars off them.

  12. What the heck does your thumb have to do with the dumb comment you submitted?

  13. WD said: "I looked it up on Wikipedia, and interestingly the theme music is by Elia Cmiral... the composer who wrote the music for "Battlefield Earth" (the Scientology movie) and "Atlas Shrugged: Part 1" (The Objectivist movie)."

    Blinks.... I actually prefer soundtracks to sports, myself, and when I hear of Nash Bridges, instead of Don Johnson I instead think of the incomparable composer who scored 100 episodes.

    Eddie Jobson.

    I'd not heard of Elia before.


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