Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Retort to My Colleague,The Venerable Truthster 2

I DO choose sides, Truth. Every election I get out and vote for some candidate.....Oh, wait, wait a minute here, you're not saying that I have to choose between the Tea Partiers and the OWS folks, are you? 'Cause if in fact you are......


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

selecting a side = supporting a party. duh. LOL.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Parties are bad for America. They make people stupid and shameless. They divide people. Even George Washington thought so.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Parties are GOOD for America. We need more of them, which is why I support instant runnoff voting.

Of our two desires, yours for no parties and mine for more... mine has the greater likelyhood of becomming a reality.

Likelyhood of more parties becomming increasingly viable: low to moderate.


Likelyhood that all parties will be abolished: Zip/nadda/none what-so-ever.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Actually, I DO agree with that. I would personally like to see at least 5-6 viable parties and, from that, some major coalition building. It would literally force these politicians to have to work together.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Ah Will my friend. You have chosen. The truth is you are a left leaner. That's a good thing.

You just need to admit to yourself and stop hiding behind the facade of moderitity.

You're angry that the Wall St. bankers that bundled and sold crap loans as AAA securities are not in jail. You want us out of Iraq. You support ending the Bush tax cuts.
Face it buddy. You're a Lib.

It's like this Will. You can be a Christian even if you don't think you are. You simply thnk Christ is the Saviour. You think enough left leaning thoughts that you are a lefty. Maybe not to the degree WD is. But still. A Lefty you are.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Actually, Truth, my problem isn't with guys like Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, or President Obama (I especially like Durbin in that he voted yes as a member of the Simpson-Bowles commission). Those guys are sane and reasonable. It's this whole progressive blogosphere and other media outlets that sickens me. These frigging people (and, no, I don't include you) are nuts!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

It's this whole conservative/moderate blogosphere, Fox Nooz and other Rightwing media outles that sicken me. These frigging people (and, YES, I'm including Will Hart) are nuts!!

btw Truth, I must respectfully disagree with you. Will does not lean that far Left. He leans much further to the Right. He isn't a "Lefty" by any stretch of the imagination.

(I suppose that since I haven't listed each issue on which Will does lean Left... in his next comment he'll accuse me of being a "weaselly and paranoid little liar").

Les Carpenter said...

What you're talking about is a parliamentarian form of government which requires consensus building and a coalition to effective govern. A good thing I imagine.

Then the 4,5, or 6 parties represented in congress could have votes of no confidence in our president(s) when we don't like the way things are going. My guess, in America today we would change presidents about as often as underwear gets changed.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It seems to work more or less in places like England and Israel, Les. But, yeah, you're right, Obama would have probably been in and out two or three times by now.............Hey, wd. Anybody to the right of Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich is conservative by your standards. I like Clinton, which probably makes me a right-winger in your estimation/universe.