Friday, November 4, 2011

Pundits on the Far-Right that I Loathe

Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter (she actually kind of amuses me but, whatever), Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Mark Levin (kind of a shame 'cause he's smart), Ollie North, Tracy Byrnes (some nasty chick on the Fox Business channel), Brent Bozell, Bill Kristol, Liz Cheney, Mike Huckabee (and, no, I don't care how affable he is), Karl Rove, John Bolton, Monica Crowley, Melanie Morgan, Neil Boortz, Janet Parshall


  1. Bolton looks like an idiot with the Captain kangaroo moustache.

  2. Me too. Except for Ollie North, Tracy Byrnes Janet Parshall. I heard North was a pundit but I've never seen or heard him punditizing. I've never heard of Parshall or Byrnes. Also, Liz Cheney is a "pundit"? Did she get a Fox Nooz program and I just haven't heard about it?

  3. One thing you forgot neglected to mention the ratings one garners against the other.

  4. .

    Would it not just be easier to say the people being paid by Murdoch Media/Fox? No one would even hear/believe/listen to these jabroni if they did not get paid by Murdoch/Fox.

    Ema Nymton

  5. Loathe???????

    Will you need to actually get a life if you have reached this level of hatred.

    Go fishing, take a walk, shuffle-boarding, anything to turn the idiot box off.

    Trust me it ain't worth the time or high blood pressure meds.

  6. Ema: Taking away the backing of Murdoch would take the wind out of the sales of several of them, but not the ones like Limbaugh and Levin who have largely non-Fox-related careers.

  7. But just for the record, numbers guy, if you think that THIS site is a "hate site", you really haven't been around the blogosphere very much. And, yes, I would be more than happy to provide you some addresses.

  8. Will,

    I chuckled when I read your list, since I'm not on it. I make those yahoos look like Bernie Sanders.

    I must agree with Heathen: How did Kristol make this list? He's RINO, as far as I can tell. Beltway GOP puppet, noting more. Hardly a far-rightist. But it's your list, so I respect your opinion.

  9. You're right, gentlemen, Mr. Kristol isn't really far-right (just like Begala isn't really far-left). He is, however, a neocon and I'm not really a big fan of those guys, either. Give me the Powell Doctrine over the Rumsfeld Doctrine any day.


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