Friday, November 4, 2011

Pundits on the Far-Left that I Loathe

Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Michael Moore, Mike Malloy, Randi Rhodes, Markos Moulitsas, Chris Hayes, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Eric Alterman, Naomi Klein, Cornell Belcher, Paul Begala (he's borderline - more of a weasel than anything), Joan Walsh, Amy Goodman


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You must really loathe Chris Hayes. You listed him twice.

  3. I like all the people Will listed up to Naomi Klein excepting Belcher and Begala whom I have no opinion on. I really like Olbermann, Maddow, Hayes and Goodman.

    Chris Hayes' new program is pretty good, but on to early... my DVR is set to record it.

    Amy Goodman basically does straight news, so why Will "loathes" her is a head scratcher to me. Her only "prejudice" I would say is in what news stories she chooses to cover.

    You've heard that the truth has a Liberal bias? This must be why Will "loathes" her... she exposes the truth... which is at odds with Will's extremist moderate worldview.

  4. Amy Goodman? "Democracy Now!" - Amy Goodman, straight news? Wow, wd, that's out there even for you.......And I think that it depends on how you define the word, liberal. If you mean, liberal, as in open-minded, I agree. If, however, you mean it in terms of some dogmatic adherence to a leftist ideology, then, no, not so much.

  5. I'm the only person around here on the blogs who has anything close to a balanced view of Michael Moore, beyond the love him or hate him thing.

    But, like with the far-right list, none of these are far-left either. There's no Hitlers or Stalins among them.

    Never heard of Chris Hayes. Unless he is the guy who sang "Wicked Game"... or was it "Shaft"?

  6. I've seen/heard Democracy Now! I wondered if Will had. I'm still calling it straight news, and I'm not sure why that opinion (?) is "out there". btw, I wouldn't call Amy Goodman a "pundit" either. I'd call her a reporter.

    She reports the news without editorializing. How you could object to her still confuses me. Calling Amy Goodman a "far left pundit"... that, I would say, qualifies as "out there" (even for Will).

    In regards to what dmarks said: Hitler was far Right, and Chris Isaak sang "Wicked Game". Chris Hayes is the editor of "The Nation" magazine who recently began a weekend news/discussion program on MSNBC.

    I'm a big Chris Isaak fan, btw, which is why I knew who you were talking about. "San Francisco Days" is an awesome album.

  7. .

    If the individuals you list are 'far left' than maybe one has to look again. These people's position are so USA middle of the road on every subject, it is a joke to call them leftists.

    The true 'Far-Left' were the young Jewish Rabbi Jesus Christ, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Mohammed, and like-minded share the wealth peace loving people.

    Ema Nymton

  8. I didn't think Eric Alterman was that bad. Based on past opinion, I am surprised you didn't include David Corn on this list.

  9. Emma; They are leftists, for sure, but not far-leftists. I am only measuring from the center.

  10. Loathe???????

    Will you need to actually get a life if you have reached this level of hatred.

    Go fishing, take a walk, shuffle-boarding, anything to turn the idiot box off.

    Trust me it ain't worth the time or high blood pressure meds.

  11. Ema: I auppose Muhammad was sort of a far-leftist, having a lot in common with Stalin and Pol Pot. He did in fact order his armies to fan out and conquer and destroy nations, and his rule (like that of the typical far left regime) did not tolerate any dissent or freedom of conscience. Jesus was certainly no far-leftist, as he did not advocate the state controlling the means of production or any such rot. And while he said "Render unto Caesar", it was not a call to see the tyranny of Rome expanded in the name of helping the working peoples of the world.

    Referring of course to the real far left. As the pundits named, just like with the right-wing ones, are really rather mainstream and not "far" anything.

  12. Sorry, people, but I consider the Nation Magazine and folks like Olbermann and Schultz "far left" (dictators the likes of Stalin and Hitler I would put in a totally separate category). And, yes, they prove this to me every day by their singular solution of taxing the rich and using the money to create yet another government program. It's flat-out Johnny One-Noteness at it's very worst.

  13. At least the Democrats try to pay for their expenses (taxing the rich) instead of spending and creating huge deficits.

  14. I'll give you that one, Jerry. The Republicans' Johnny One-Noteness is tax-cuts. In fact, it's their solution to everything.

  15. Sorry, people, but I consider Will Hart and other folks who say they're socially liberal but bloviate in favor of corportism to be moderate extremists. And, yes, they prove this to me every day by their singular solution of moderately taxing wealthy individuals but eliminating corporate income taxes... and not using the money to create needed government programs. It's flat-out Johnny One-Noteness at it's very worst.

  16. What WD sees as moderate extremism has no extremism about it. It's just plain moderate.

    And it is not "one note". It's at least double the amount of notes. Will's "note" of wanting tax hikes on the rich, in fact, provides significant disharmony with the unified chorus from the Republican candidates.

  17. dmarks: What WD sees as moderate extremism has no extremism about it. It's just plain moderate.

    ANY political ideology can be taken to extremes. Denying this fact is just flat out ridiculous.

    What's extreme about Will's ideology is that he thinks he needs to bash Liberals and Liberal ideas (more so than Republicans and Republican ideas) to "prove" his moderation.

    He attacked Valerie Plame (a covert CIA agent outed by the bush administration) and defended Columbus (a murderous genocidal slave trader)... I mean, COME ON!

    dmarks: Will's "note" of wanting tax hikes on the rich, in fact, provides significant disharmony with the unified chorus from the Republican candidates.

    So? I didn't say Will was an extremist Republican.

  18. Valerie Plame gave testimony that was patently incorrect. She was either lying, has a terrible memory, or is suffering from early onset dementia. And the Wilsons OBVIOUSLY lied about Dick Cheney's office sending Wilson to Niger. I mean, that one is just patently laughable.......As for Mr. Columbus, a 15th Century individual, I suggest that you read Felipe Fernandez Armesto's (an historian who's been called the Toynbee/de Toqueville of his generation) biography on the man. It gives you the full sociological and historical context and does so in a way that doesn't even remotely sugar-coat it. If, that is, you really want to learn.

  19. WD: Moderation is the lack of extremes. And I never notice.

    And if you look at his posts and comments, it is very clear that he is expressing his views because he believes them, not because he feels he needs to "bash" out of balance.


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