Friday, November 4, 2011

Two More Divisive Little "Gems" From Ann Coulter

1) On Herman Cain - "Our blacks are better than your blacks." 2) On Mayor Bloomberg (and the fact that he opted against dispersing the OWS protesters in New York City) - "Mayor Bloomberg has never been a very manly man."................................................................................................Look, I get it, people. She's trying to be provocative and get people to buy her books, pay more attention to her, etc.. Hell, I can even relate to it a little - being a provocateur myself. But, I ask you here, is there even an envelope for her to push any longer? I mean, really.


  1. 1) What kind of plantation is she running?

  2. I think that a fair amount of what she does, dmarks, is shtick. I saw her once and she almost made herself laugh.

  3. You folks just dont seem to get it.Coulter is holding up a mirror to show you libs just how ridiculus you look constantly throwing the race card around.

    Might as well face it....Ann Coulter is smarter then you.

  4. Rusty: When someone is racist to "Try" to show others how racist they are, it usually just short-circuits and this first person comes out as racist also.

  5. Will: I think that a fair amount of what she does, dmarks, is shtick.

    I don't know where you're getting that. It certainly isn't my impression. I think she's just an idiot.

    I might agree with dmarks on this one. I'm not sure if he thinks Liberals need to be shown "just how ridiculous [they] look constantly throwing the race card around".

    Perhaps I only partially agree with him. Coulter certainly does come across as racist.

  6. .

    I don't have the facts to back this up but it has been proven that 'Ann Coulter' is a man wearing a dress, don't ya?

    'Ann Coulter' will say anything for money; anything. Its all about the money.

    Ema Nymton

  7. Anny is doing it FOR THE MONEY, nothing else;

    Her problem is Bachmann, Cain, Trump have out crazied her this year.

    She can't up her brand of crazy unless she wants to go too far for Fox and the senile old people that still watch their propaganda.

  8. Coulter is a Cornell graduate and a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School (where she started the law revue). She's about as far from being an idiot as Obama (there, Volt, I teed it up nicely for you LOL). The woman knows exactly what she's doing and I think that the numbers guy is basically right. It's all about the money and the attention.

  9. I am leaning toward WD's view on this. That is, that she is sincere, and it is not a "Game" or "Schtick".

  10. Will: Coulter is a Cornell graduate and... She's about as far from being an idiot...

    On 9/23/2010, on this blog, Will Hart said, "[Alan Grayson] isn't as off the charts stupid as Bachmann [but] I really don't think that the elevator is working all that well there, either".

    Not "off the charts" stupid is still stupid. Alan Grayson has impressive degrees just like Ann Coulter. I guess a person is only stupid (or an idiot) if Will Hart decrees it.

  11. Alright, I'll use a different word for Grayson AND Coulter - depraved.The "elevator not working all that well" could also mean, crazy, btw.

  12. Ann Coulter is vulgarity with lipstick. But she's a tough broad, and I quite like her brand of sarcastic vitriol.

    She makes the left squirm, and this provides me with much amusement. She is not a journalist or anything like that. She is brutally honest.

    I dig her.

  13. I enjoy watching her sometimes, ecc102. But when she shat upon the 9/11 widows and started throwing around the term, fagget, it was like, "really?"

  14. I see left-wingers in these blogs bash gay people as "faggots", just like with #guy using hate speech against the developmentally disabled.

  15. dmarks: I see left-wingers in these blogs bash gay people as "faggots", just like with #guy using hate speech against the developmentally disabled.

    I've never seen either (and would oppose it if I did). I think dmarks is imagining things again.

  16. I did not see these purported comments by #32 and I do not know who this "JMJ / Jersey" person is (or if he is a "left winger").

    Anyway, by "left wingers" (plural), I should have known you were talking about TWO people. TWO people don't represent all "Left wingers". Give me a break.

    In any case, I think you're probably mischaracterizing #32's words. All the comments I've read by him make it clear that the guy knows what he's talking about.

  17. dmarks: #37 used 'retarded' as a pejorative.

    Ok, I would agree that is insensitive. I would not say, however, that what you describe rises to the level of "hate speech". It wouldn't be "hate speech" unless he was specifically referring to mentally challenged individuals and specifically seeking to disparage them...

    Simply using the word "retarded" as a pejorative is insensitive and ill advised, but not "hate speech".

    In any case, use of the word "retarded" as a prejorative (not directed at mentally challenged individuals) is hardly something that can be blamed on Liberals. dmarks claiming we should blame Liberals by citing "left-wingers in these blogs" is total bullshit.


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