Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dean Wormer's (Free) Advice to Alan Keyes

"Yo, bra (yes, I did spice it up a little), spouting polysyllabic gibberish, feigning outrage, and foaming at the mouth is no way to go through life, son.".......................................................................................P.S. Needless to say, this advice of Mr. Wormer's wasn't heeded.


  1. I'm still partial to "fat, drunk, and stupid", but you make a great point, nonetheless. :)

    These OWS rabble are the new Socialist Party in America. It has begun.

  2. These OWS rabble are the new Socialist Party in America. It has begun.

    Oh you mean a real left wing party;

    Unlike the centrist democratic party or far right lunatic fringe GOP?

  3. If either actually existed. In the real world, we have the left of center (but not far left) Democratic Party, and the right of center (but not far right) Republican Party). Sorry, that's just reality.

  4. (but not far right)

    Sorry but the current post neo-con GOP IS far right.

  5. I hate to do this, dmarks, but, on this particular point, I might have to lean in the direction of the numbers guy. a) While guys like Boehner and Cantor seem reasonable enough, the Tea Party caucus has kind of taken them hostage to the point where it's become extremely hard to "deal". And b) the fact that a sane and reasonable candidate like Huntsman can't seem to get over the 1% barrier is also telling. This is definitely not the Republican Party of my youth; Jerry Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, Lowell Weicker, Jacob Javits, Chuck Percy, etc.. Hell, it's not even the Republican Party of Bob Dole or the 1st President Bush anymore.


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