Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Twin Dolts From Different Networks (With Apologies to Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg)

Ed Schultz has proven, YET AGAIN, that he is nothing more than a left-wing version Fox's Sean Hannity. He took a speech by the admittedly doltish Rick Perry and perpetrated what could only be referred to as a textbook "Hannity". It happened just last week. Mr. Perry was talking about the national debt and referred to it metaphorically as a "black cloud". Instead of showing the entire quote in its context, Mr. Schultz spliced the tape and made it sound as if the Texas Governor was calling President Obama a black cloud. Yep, you got it. He was essentially trying to imply that Mr. Perry was a racist...................................................................................................And, get this, after the dude was caught and he had to finally fess up, he apologized, not to Perry (who he clearly attempted to slander with this) but to his God-damned frigging audience!!!!! He also tried to say that it was an honest mistake and NOT a blatant manipulation....My frigging God, huh? I'm telling you here, folks, he and Mr. Hannity should just have a mud-wrestling contest and be done with it.


  1. Forget Van Morrison. "The Power of Gold" is really one great song.

  2. I didn't see it. I only watch Ed Schultz occasionally. Apparently you're flipping back and forth between MSNBC and Fox all evening long.

    That said, I like Ed Schultz. If he says something was an honest mistake I believe him.

    But Hannity is a liar.

  3. Lawrence O'Donnell-- Hates Republicans.

    Rachel Maddow-- Hates men

    Rev.Al-- Hates Whitey

    Ed Schultz-- Hates whoever took the last donut.

  4. dmarks, I love Van Morrison's rawness and soul, the fact that he's spiritual without being heavy-handed about/without a spiritual ax to grind. I also like the fact that he's been influenced by artists as diverse as Hank Williams, Charles Mingus, Ray Charles, Leadbelly, Jimmie Rodgers, Weather Report, Gene Vincent and the Blue Caps, Jack Kerouac, Samuel Coleridge, Christmas Humphreys, and even Mez Mezro. Dan Fogelberg? Yeah, he's pretty good, too.

  5. Yes, wd, Mr. Schultz ACCIDENTALLY spliced that tape to make Rick Perry sound as if he were saying that President Obama was the black cloud. Yeah, that's the ticket. My God, you are delusional.............Russ, while I agree with you that Maddow, Schultz and Sharpton literally DO hate republicans, I'm not so sure that I could say the same thing about Mr. O'Donnell. a) He once referred to the fact that there once in fact WAS a reasonable Dick Cheney. a) He had a guy on from the New Yorker who recently wrote an article which said that Sarah Palin was actually a good governor. c) He has reasonable (or at least reasonable to him) Republicans on his show quite a bit; David Frum, Bruce Bartlett, Alan Simpson, etc.. I personally don't have an issue with O'Donnell.

  6. So Ed Schultz is now not only the host of his program, but he also does all the behind the scenes work like tape splicing? I did not realize that the program was a one-man operation. I'm guessing he has a remote in his pocket by which he also opperates all the cameras? If this is the case I am quite impressed!

  7. Ah, so his staff screwed it up. Yeah, that's the ticket. So, does this mean that Sean Hannity now has an excuse, too.

  8. Will: So, does this mean that Sean Hannity now has an excuse, too?

    I don't know. Has Sean Hannity ever admitted something he said was in error? Has he ever apologized for getting the facts wrong or mischaracterizing something someone said? You're the one who watches him... but I've never heard of such a thing happening.


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