Wednesday, September 28, 2011

On (Some) Progressives 1

They turn liberals into moderates and moderates into conservatives...............................................................................................P.S. On a personal note, when I first starting blogging four and a half years ago, I firmly considered myself to be a liberal; an anti-war, anti-Fox News liberal. Now, though, I'd probably have to say that I'm much more of a moderate....Of course, the real question here has to be; have I changed, or have the crazies simply hijacked the term and moved the goal-posts? I don't know, I suspect that it's probably a combination.


  1. You cant make this shit up!!! The decidedly liberal Los Angeles city council fell for the ages old "Mike Hunt" joke.It seems someone signed up as Mike Hunt to address the council and low and behold they continued to call out his name.This is piss your pants funny.

  2. The goal posts on both sides have moved. I call myself a far left liberal, but I think I may be remembering liberals of days gone by.

    Liberals are often quite nuts, but compared to far right conservatives, they are the pictures of sanity.

  3. "Liberals are often quite nuts,but compared to far right conservatives,they are the pictures of sanity."

    Only in your eyes John,only in your eyes.

  4. You're both right (maybe John a little more so).

  5. Only in your eyes John,only in your eyes.

    Rusty, if you are referring to the nuttiness of conservatives, that is not only in my eyes. I can point you to dozens of people that will agree if you just ask them. Where in the hell have you been that you don't realize a lot of people, not just me, feel that way?

  6. Will: You're both right (maybe John a little more so).

    Nope. Sorry, but the poster and everyone who responded are totally wrong. With Will it's no surprise at all. His definition of where he stands politically seems to change monthly... maybe even weekly. When I first came to this blog he was an Independent, unaffiliated with either party.

    Next he morphed into a Moderate Independent, then a "blue dog" Democrat, and now he thinks he's a frigging Liberal! And the reason for Will's ever-changing political self-identifications? It's all because "the crazies" are "moving the goalposts"!

    I'll tell you who's moving the goalposts... it's the Right. They've been so successful at moving the goalposts that they shifted a large portion of the Democratic Party to the Right. That's how we got the "third way" (which dmarks insists is "Liberal").

    People like Will are part of the problem. With this very post he attempts to shift the goalposts further to the Right by hijacking the terms "Liberal" and "Progressive" by referring to the ACTUAL people who hold these values as "the crazies".

    You may hold a few liberal positions, but you're not the whole package and never were.

    Also, I don't know HOW THE HELL you can say you were anti-war when you've written some very pro-war posts. The Taliban's offer to turn over OBL to a moderate Islamic Organization who would have convicted him was a bad idea, remember?

    Someone who supports our illegal war on Afghanistan (if only a few month of it), zeroing out the corporate income tax and free trade... and then says they considered themselves to be a Liberal? I'd say that person is DECIDEDLY one of the crazies.

  7. " The Taliban's offer to turn over OBL to a moderate Islamic Organization who would have convicted him was a bad idea, remember?"

    Moderate? Will proved it was chock full of dictator/terrorist warlords.

    Besides, such matters belong in secular courts. A court that is explicitly "Islamic", like a Christian or Jewish court is unjust from the start.

    No, sorry, it is an outrageous demand that is easily laughed at by anyone who knows anything and is concerned about justice.

    By the way, what is the status of Boyle's anti-Bush matter before the ICC?

    What next? Should we send people like John Gotti to Mafia courts when they are arrested?

  8. I call you on your bigotry dmarks. And I laugh at it, as all serious non-bigots would (excepting those to horrified to laugh). Using bigotry as an excuse to go to war? Come on!

  9. WD said: "I call you on your bigotry dmarks"

    Where? How? I have none.

    Respecting the principles of secularism and not forcing religion on people is not "bigotry". I oppose Christian courts, Jewish courts, Hindu courts, and all such miscarriages of justice. Religion has no place in such matters.

    As for bigotry, I am quite unlike you, with your have professed support of racist policies as long as the individuals who are being punished for having the wrong skin color are being punished for a greater good. You came out as a racist a little while ago.

  10. More bald-faced and shameless lies. My position on where I stand most assuredly does NOT change monthly. I have said for quite some time now that I consider myself a Rockefeller Republican/Boren Democrat (which I guess WOULD make me a bluedog). I also said that IF I had to join a political party, I would more than likely choose the Democratic party (this, because they are seemingly more receptive these days to moderates).............And what's what the issue with the reading comprehension here. I said that FOUR AND A HALF YEARS AGO I considered myself to be a liberal and that the definition of the term seemingly has changed (as has the term conservative - I've conceded that on a previous post). Most people who even casually watch cable news would site that observation to be an indisputable fact. Sane people, I'm saying.


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