Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Dangling of the Kid Off the Balcony - Definitely

What would be my answer to the question, "So, what in your opinion, was the craziest thing that Michael Jackson ever did (at least of the things that we're aware of)?"


  1. If we are talking legally, buying the Elephant man's bones.

    The other stuff I will not touch.

  2. There certainly is a long list to choose from, huh, double b?

  3. Bleached himself white. I mean, come on.


  5. Ah, yes, the race-change operation, dmarks. I clearly forgot about that one.......Yes, Les, everything is pretty much relative when it comes to analyzing the actions of THIS individual. LOL

  6. Will: Ah, yes, the race-change operation, dmarks. I clearly forgot about that one.

    How can you forget something that never happened? The man had a disease called vitiligo and decided to undergo depigmentation in order to "render the skin an even color".

    According to DermNet NZ (the dermatology resource), "If a dark skinned person has vitiligo affecting a large part of the exposed areas, he or she may wish to undergo depigmentation. A cream containing monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone, also called p-(benzyloxy)phenol, is applied to the skin. This can cause all the skin to lose its pigment. Its effect is usually permanent".

    He had severe vitiligo and decided he'd look freakier with severely blotchy skin. Which is why he did what he did. He did not "bleach himself white". In my opinion people who perpetuate the vile rumor that Michael Jackson wanted to be White are displaying their ignorance (and possibly their racism)... I mean, come on!

  7. Mr. Jackson CLAIMS to have had this affliction. Quincy Jones, who knew him pretty much as well as anybody, says that it's all a bunch of bullshit....And, plus, it wasn't JUST the skin. It was the nose-jobs, the hair straightening, whatever the hell he did to his chin, etc........And, AGAIN, with the cavalier racism charge. Dude.

  8. I don't know what Quincy Jones said. As far as the disease goes, there is no doubt in my mind what-so-ever that Michael Jackson had it.

    His sister (both of them) had nose jobs. Lost of black people straighten their hair. Having plastic surgery doesn't mean a person is crazy. Many stars (and normal people) have had things done.

    I did not make a cavalier charge of racism. I said "possibly". In any case, why would someone say Michael Jackson was uncomfortable (or whatever the reason) being African American (and wished he was White) KNOWING he was afflicted with a skin disease?? Racism maybe??

  9. Why do you have no doubt (I mean, other than the fact that you never seem to have any)? You what, take everything that Michael Jackson says as gospel? And your final question assumes that I'm "KNOWING" that Michael Jackson actually had this disease. I'm "KNOWING" nothing of the sort. As for Quincy Jones, he strongly believes that Michael Jackson may in fact have been addicted to plastic surgery. And while, no, I don't know if that's totally true, either, to me it kind of makes more sense than this whole skin disease thing (are there any pictures out there which show Mr. Jackson having these patches?).

  10. Thanks for the clarification, btw, that I'm only "possibly" being racist. I can't tell you how much that I appreciate that.............And, just for the record here, I think that overall I've bee pretty fair and open-minded about Mr. Jackson. For instance, I went from a "lean guilty" to a "lean innocent" on whether or not the dude was guilty of child molestation (I base this on a belief that Michael Jackson HIMSELF is possibly too childlike to have committed such an act and that the fellow in fact may be Asexual).

  11. He was trying to transform himself to look like Diana Ross. He came pretty darn close.
    About 20 years ago MJ was doing an interview on TV and my My Brother in law who is a psycho therapist said "He is self destructive and isn't going to live long"

  12. Fact check on Jackson turning himself white. From the Huffington Post, a major leftist news source:

    full story here.

    "LOS ANGELES — Detectives found large quantities of general anesthetic and dozens of tubes of skin-whitening creams in Michael Jackson's home after the singer's death, search warrants unsealed Friday show."

    "Jackson's personal assistant, Michael Amir Williams, told detectives that in the hospital where Jackson was pronounced dead, Murray told him he wanted to return to Jackson's house "so that he could pick up some cream that Mr. Jackson has so that the world wouldn't find out about it.""

  13. Will: your final question assumes that I'm "knowing" that Michael Jackson actually had this disease. I'm "knowing" nothing of the sort.

    What if his autopsy confirmed it? Would you know it then? Or would you say the autopsy report was a lie?

    According to the New York Daily News, "The Los Angeles County coroner released autopsy results Wednesday which confirmed that... Jackson suffered from vitiligo..."

    This information can be found elsewhere, btw. So, if you don't like my source you can do a google search and find another that says the same thing.

    dmarks: Jackson could have just as well chosen to make himself dark (keep himself dark) instead of turning himself white.

    In SOME cases vitiligo can be reversed. Clearly this was not true with Michael Jackson... unless dmarks knows something that the rest of the world does not.

    dmarks: Detectives found large quantities of general anesthetic and dozens of tubes of skin-whitening creams in Michael Jackson's home...

    This PROVES what I said earlier...

    According to DermNet NZ (the dermatology resource), "If a dark skinned person has vitiligo affecting a large part of the exposed areas, he or she may wish to undergo depigmentation. A cream containing monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone, also called p-(benzyloxy)phenol, is applied to the skin. This can cause all the skin to lose its pigment. Its effect is usually permanent".

    But dmarks is in the same camp as Will... he think Michael Jackson was lying about having this disease. Otherwise why would he say Michael Jackson could "keep himself dark"?

    Or, if dmarks believes MJ did vitiligo, then he must know how severe it was, even though my guess would be only a few people knew the truth (MJ, his dermatologist, and maybe a few others). dmarks must be a close personal friend of MJ? Or maybe he broke into MJ's dermatologist's records?

    How else would he know Michael Jackson could have just as well chosen to make himself dark???

  14. Will: your final question assumes that I'm "knowing" that Michael Jackson actually had this disease. I'm "knowing" nothing of the sort.

    What if his autopsy confirmed it? Would you know it then? Or would you say the autopsy report was a lie?

    According to the New York Daily News, "The Los Angeles County coroner released autopsy results Wednesday which confirmed that... Jackson suffered from vitiligo..."

    This information can be found elsewhere, btw. So, if you don't like my source you can do a google search and find another that says the same thing.

    dmarks: Jackson could have just as well chosen to make himself dark (keep himself dark) instead of turning himself white.

    In SOME cases vitiligo can be reversed. Clearly this was not true with Michael Jackson... unless dmarks knows something that the rest of the world does not.

    dmarks: Detectives found large quantities of general anesthetic and dozens of tubes of skin-whitening creams in Michael Jackson's home...

    This PROVES what I said earlier...

    According to DermNet NZ (the dermatology resource), "If a dark skinned person has vitiligo affecting a large part of the exposed areas, he or she may wish to undergo depigmentation. A cream containing monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone, also called p-(benzyloxy)phenol, is applied to the skin. This can cause all the skin to lose its pigment. Its effect is usually permanent".

    But dmarks is in the same camp as Will... he think Michael Jackson was lying about having this disease. Otherwise why would he say Michael Jackson could "keep himself dark"?

    Or, if dmarks believes MJ did have vitiligo, then he must know how severe it was, even though my guess would be only a few people knew the truth (MJ, his dermatologist, and maybe a few others). dmarks must be a close personal friend of MJ? Or maybe he broke into MJ's dermatologist's records?

    How else would he know Michael Jackson could have just as well chosen to make himself dark???

  15. It appears that I owe Mr. Jackson an apology. Oh well, I guess that I just have to go back to the dangling of the baby off the window as the creepiest.

  16. Will: It appears that I owe Mr. Jackson an apology.

    I commend you for acknowledging the truth, although I don't understand why you doubted it in the first place. But I also don't understand why Quincy Jones doubted him either.

    I wonder if dmarks will comment again and what he'll say. I predict his position will remain unchanged. Michael Jackson wished he had been born White. Is it because dmarks believes "white" is the superior race? Obviously that is why White people are the primary victims of racism. The minorities are jealous.

  17. I doubted it in the first place because of all the other stuff that he's obviously done to change his appearance. I saw a show on a while back and they had a plastic surgeon on and he said that there was no way that Mr. Jackson had had just one nose job (just one nose job wouldn't cause the level of deterioration that Mr. Jackson was clearly showing). And just the overall freakishness.

  18. Micheal WHO?

    Didn't he do a Pepsi commercial or something like that decades ago?

    Otherwise I haven't paid much attention, too much hype for somebody who never impressed me that much.

  19. WD said: "Michael Jackson wished he had been born White. Is it because dmarks believes "white" is the superior race? Obviously that is why White people are the primary victims of racism. The minorities are jealous."

    1) I have no idea what Jackson's motives were for dying himself white.

    2) There is no evidence that I believe white is a superior race. Your implication of this out of line. Do you have evidence of any of this from me? (hears crickets instead of any response from you).

    3) White individuals are victims of racism in cases where it is directed at them. I've said nothing about who the primary victims are of racism. But it is a fact that some individuals of all races are subjected to different forms of racism.

    4) You might think the minorities are jealous. You are entitled to your opinion, as silly as it may be.

  20. You JUST left this comment dmarks! Give me a chance to see it FIRST before saying you hear crickets instead of a response.... jeez!

    You're the one who took 4 days since I explained how you were wrong and speculated that you may not respond. I was hearing crickets from YOU.

    [1] I told you what his motivation was... to have an even skin tone instead of being blochy. I linked to a dermatology website which says depigmentation is a legitimate option presented by dermatologists when vitiligo is severe.

    I asked if you thought his condition wasn't severe and if that was how you knew he could "keep himself dark". Your comment ignores my question... you just lie and say you've got no idea what his motives were for "dying" (an inaccurate description of depigmentation) himself white.

    I TOLD you what his motivation most likely was... therefore you should have an idea. You can disagree with it, but you can stop lying about not being aware of the idea. If you disagree please let us know what you think he should have done. How could he have "stayed dark"?

    [2-3] I don't know for certain if you think White is a superior race... That's just a guess as to why you're always complaining about Whites being victims of racism. And why you call affirmative action a "racist" policy.

    It's my opinion that Whites can't be victims of racism. Were Whites kidnapped from their homes, transported across an ocean and forced to perform slave labor? Where Whites ever considered animals, held as livestock, "bred" and often raped by their masters? Were Whites denied civil rights? Were Whites ever the victims of lynching due to skin color (and maybe a suspicion of a crime)?

    No. In the United States there is a long history of minorities being victims of racism perpetrated by Whites (not the other way around). This is why I believe that suggesting Whites can be victims of "racism" is wrong.

    Or, it at least it certainly isn't the same thing. Not anywhere close. Which is why I think we need to act to do something about racism by Whites against minorities.

    Some Whites might be inconvenienced by these policies, but [A] the policies do more good than harm, and [B] life isn't fair... all we can do is try to make it more fair, and I'm of the opinion that affirmative action accomplishes this goal.

    [4] I do not think minorities are jealous of Whites. That was my suggestion as to what you might believe... and yes, it is silly, but a lot of what dmarks argues in favor of is.


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