Saturday, June 4, 2011

Piling On the Pounder

Governor Christie has obviously made a gigantic error in judgment here. To have spent thousands of dollars in taxpayers' money to ferry off in some private helicopter, AND THEN to have compounded that by having a limousine drive him the length of a frigging football field (all during a time of tight budgetary restraints, mind you) - what, pray tell, was this blankety blank of a blank thinking? Christie, folks, deserves to be criticized - absolutely!..................................................................................................But, again, and like with Palin and the intellect thing, how in the hell many ways can you call this sucker fat? I mean, enough already? His heft had nothing to do with it....Well, unless, that is, he was thinking about food and that distracted him from just how stupid......Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I don't agree with him on most things but Christie is a pretty smart guy, as compared to Palin who no matter what can't get her history right.

    Run bitch run! Please!

  2. Come on, that fat ass would pass out if he had to carry his ton of lard a whole 100 yards on his own two feet.

    He was just "saving" the tax payers of New Jersey the costs of the required medical treatment from his attempt to carry his fat ass anymore then the helio to limo.

  3. This, I think, is a distraction from Chistie's radical anti-poor agenda. Various news organizations have reported that Christie is trying to gut Medicaid...

    "Christie has proposed cutting Medicaid eligibility to absurdly low levels: from the current maximum income of $24,645 to $5,317 a year for a family of three. Apparently, the governor believes a family of three making $6,000 a year is simply too rich to receive Medicaid".

    There is no justification for this. Unless you believe the only reason people are poor is because this choose to be, or they're lazy, or they just didn't work hard enough... or some other lame excuse Republicans use to justify their hatred for the poor.

    Christie, being a part of the privileged class, sees nothing wrong with his use of the expensive helicopter to ferry his fat ass around.

  4. Anonymouse and WD must be members of the teachers union.

  5. I'll admit it. I kind of like Christie's no nonsense approach. But his cutting of Medicaid for the working poor will probably end up costing the state of New Jersey more in the long run. These people will simply be forced to use emergency rooms, and we all know how expensive that can be. And then if they end up getting really sick, they'll frigging end up on Medicaid anyway!!......Bottom-line, I wouldn't put this as one of Mr. Christie's finer decisions.......Not that Medicaid itself is super insurance, mind you (50% of doctors don't even take it). Just that it's better than nothing.

  6. "I have NO DOUBT that Weiner photo was sent by a Republican operative."

    "Anthony Weiner did NOT tweet this photo."

    "Breitbart has no credibility."

    "Salon has already posted a reather complete story of how his sources were tainted/unreliable."


  7. And if he lied to the Capitol Police, that could be a problem.

  8. As far as I can see Christie's approaches are nothing but nonsense. So, Will, your only concern is the final cost to the state of NJ? You don't give a shit that we're talking about people's lives?

  9. No, wd, it's not my only concern. And, no, progressives aren't the ONLY people on the face of the earth who so desperately care about poor people. People just have different ideas and strategies to help them.............In fact, it's kind of like with sanctimoniousness and right-wingers being the only ones with that. NOT!


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