Sunday, June 5, 2011

Miscellaneous 76

1) Of all the criticisms that one could levy against Sarah Palin, the fact that her teen-age daughter, Willow, parties - that, in my opinion, would no probably have to be pretty far down the rankings. First of all, even when a parent does EVERYTHING right, a kid can sometimes go off course - significantly off course, sometimes (you can't be with them every frigging second, right, the myriad of negative influences, etc.?). And, second of all, have you even seen the statistics lately? According to Alcoholics Anonymous, 87% of high school seniors used alcohol at least once. And 50% of them have used it in the last month. I don't know, folks. I'm not so sure that I'd want to throw Palin under the bus on this one. I would much rather tag her for something like the "Bridge to Nowhere lie that she told. I mean, it's a lot more pertinent, no?............2) This, from George Will, "Liberals are situational ethicists regarding Presidential war-making. Imagine their comportment if Obama's predecessor - who got Congressional authorization for his uses of force - had behaved as Obama is doing regarding Libya."....He makes a good point, doesn't he (to be fair about it, Congressman Kucinich IS being consistent - going as far as to mention impeachment for Obama)? But, as good as it is, couldn't Mr. Will have also said basically the same thing about Republicans/their seemingly situational ethics regarding conflict? I mean, I don't know about you folks, but I've seen more than a few of these Republicans throw around terms such as "exit strategy" and "vital national interest". It seems to me that there's more than enough "situational" hypocrisy on both sides....And a hell of a massive budget deficit, too.............3) FDR's internment of tens of thousands of innocent American citizens has always been an issue with me. It (along with some of the more boneheaded components of the New Deal and his court-packing scheme) was one of the main reasons why I've always considered him as overrated. But, NOW, I have to say that his most underhanded move, period, was that cold, hard calculation to NOT endorse the 1934 anti-lynching law. What Mr. Roosevelt essentially did here was trade in his soul for a spate of southern electoral votes. Not a very "progressive" decision in my book.


  1. I'm the one who brought these things up, and when I did I said, "I wouldn't make too big a deal out of this, but, IMO, it is definitely another example of Conservative hypocrisy". It appears as though you are rebutting something you imagined I said.

    My point was... don't Conservative say that this kind of behavior is due to the moral decay of society... caused by Liberals? Damn Liberals, even Sarah Palin's awesome parenting skills can't prevent the evil which is Liberalism from infecting her own children!

    Fvck George Will. I'm with Dennis Kucinich, but similarities between Libya and Afghanistan/Iraq and teeny-tiny.

    As for your #3 "miscellaneous"... I call bullshit on your conclusion that FDR is burning in hell as we speak. You brought this up in the past and I didn't respond. Then recently I said FDR was near the top of my best president's list... you really can't let go when you think you've found a sore spot, can you?

  2. "I have NO DOUBT that Weiner photo was sent by a Republican operative."

    "Anthony did NOT tweet this photo."

  3. Looks like the libs are laying low....must be the Weiner effect.

    Is Andrew Breitbart ever wrong?

  4. Believe it or not, wd, you are not the center of my universe. And how do you equate overrated with somebody rotting in hell (I don't believe in heaven and Hell, btw)? I said that he was overrated, not that he was the devil, for Christ!...............So, whenever the child of a conservative misbehaves, it automatically becomes open-season, not just on that politician but their frigging kid, too? I'll repeat what I said before, wd. Sometimes a person can hate too much.............You don't even like George Will, a thoughtful conservative who adamantly opposed a number of Bush's policies? In the words of Ronald Reagan, there you go again.

  5. I suspect that wd would prefer to ignore this issue, Russ. Something about a progressive with egg on his face, his bald-faced lies, etc..

  6. The next time Anthony Weiner takes the floor all the Democrats should rise and welcome him back with thunderous applause. Perhaps even some hoots, hollers and whistles. You know, like the Republicans did after David Vitter admitted to cheating on his wife with hookers.

    So my initial reaction may have been off a tad... obviously AW's admission was extremely brave and I commend him for his tremendous courage. If scum like David Vitter can retain their jobs after admitting to breaking the law, surely a respectable Congressman like AW can be forgiven.

    Given the fact that Mr. Weiner is one of the best representatives in the Congress, his fellow Democrats will surely stand up for him -- and probably even beg him to stay if he were to suggest stepping down (which I certainly do not believe he should).

    BTW, I'm still convinced that the Breitbart "reporting" on this story contained multiple lies of some sort. His career is built on lies. He probably lies dozens of times a day without even realizing it.

  7. Will, you said that what FDR did was "trade in his soul".

    Also, I DO believe I am not the center of your universe. I only suggested that your post ideas might be based on past conversations that take place here. I think the evidence backs me up on that.

    In regards to my statements re Willow Palin... I stand by my original statment, which was that it appears as though you are rebutting something you imagined I said. I wasn't "going after" Willow Palin. I don't care about her.

    George Will insults all Liberals, and my response should be, "my, isn't that thoughtful"?

    BTW my previous comment should have read, "but THE similarities between Libya and Afghanistan/Iraq ARE teeny-tiny".

  8. I'm not trying to justify anyone's bad behavior. I don't care for the accusation either. My previous conclusion was extremely reasonable given Breitbart's history. Are you denying that Breitbart has lied in the past?

  9. I was pointing out the double standard. Republican sex scandal = Newt runs for president and Vitter retains his job. Democratic sex scandal = Eliot Spitzer resigns in disgrace. I'm sure there will be calls from the Republican side of the aisle calling for Anthony Weiner's head.

    I want him to stay, of course. He's too valuable for Democrats to kick to the curb for a sex scandal that involved no sex.

  10. I accused Breitbart of jumping the gun, too. I guess that that makes me totally wrong as well.......Trading in his soul was a metaphor.......George Will criticizes both sides. Yes, he's a conservative, but he, unlike Hannity and Limbaugh, a) has one moral yardstick and b) doesn't engage in ad hominems.

  11. Some Republicans have stayed (Vitter), some haven't (Foley). Some Democrats have stayed (Frank and Studds). Some haven't (Spitzer and McGreavy). I'm totally unaware of any hard evidence that says that one side is worse than the other.

  12. WD,you yourself seem a tad creepy.First you support Ed Shultz for his attack on Laura Ingraham,now you condone the actions of Anthony Weiner preying on young women.Here's a 42 year old little geek who's been elected to a powerful position and uses his power to force himself on six different women all almost twenty years younger them himself.Imagine how a parent would feel if they found out this pervert was sending sexual photos of himself to their daughters.He's lucky he has'nt yet got his head bashed by an irate father,boyfriend,husband or for that matter his own wife.Yet you find it toatally acceptable....hmmm,are you perhaps on some sort of list yourself.

  13. Breitbart nails another one.

    Perhaps the libs will stop poking that bear.He's more then likely has another fifteen or twenty of them shiting in their pants tonight.

  14. There are facts and there are opinions.

    Facts: WD has unbinding support for both Ed Schultz and Anthony Weiner.

    Fact: Ed Schultz,on his radio show called Laura Ingraham a slut.Laura Ingraham a conservative radio talk show host,also a christian,a single mom and a breast cancer survivor.WD found Ed's comments to be perfectly in step with WD's beliefs.

    Fact: Anthony Weiner,a married member of Congress from NY uses his position of power and preys upon younger women,sending them sexual photos of himself along with suggestive text over the net.Weiner then goes on a two day media blitz denying any wrong doing,and saying he was not only hacked but Andrew Breitbart was spreading lies trying to defame him.Fast foward....Weiner gets caught,makes a tearful confession,accepts full responsibility (what does that mean)and asks for forgivness from the whole world.

    Opinion:WD finds the behavior of both Ed Shultz and Anthony Weiner perfectly normal.....conclusion WD has the same belief system as Shultz and Weiner....I think one might guess that WD could very well be registered with a law enforcement group.

  15. Rusty you are the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen, yeah Weiner is slime ball but before you throw stones bitch do you remember the republican congressman from Florida that was texting boys for sex?

    If yoy chose to forget such an inconvienant event the guy's name was Mark Foley.

  16. I hope to offer a little perspective gentlemen:
    1)So Andrew Breitbart finally got something right. His reputation as a journalist remains tarnished...It will take something more than this for him to be taken seriously. BTW Isn't this "gotcha Politics", the kind Mrs Palin opines about??
    2)Why do we celebrate the downfall of political figures? The REAL effect of this is not that it makes party look better...sadly, it makes us ALL look bad, not just democrats. (I feel the same way when Republicans mess up.) If you think otherwise than its YOU that has a problem...
    3)Will chooses not to believe in Heaven or Hell. I do. My Lord teaches not to judge others harshly...the way we judge others is how we will be judged. I myself forget this sometimes then I remember that I am just trying to be a good man...

    You guys need to treat each other a bit nicer. Politics provokes passionate opinion. At the end of the day, we all want America to be a better place...we just disagree on how to get there.

  17. THE FACTS:

    [1] The Andrew Breitbart and James O'Keefe ACORN videos were found to be to be "heavily edited" deceptive splice jobs by investigating law enforcement agencies.

    [2] The Tea Party protests the Democratic health care legislation on 3/20/2010. The protest turned ugly when several Democratic Congressmen were assaulted by Tea Partiers who shouted racist and homophobic slurs at GA Rep John Lewis and MA Rep Barney Frank. IN Rep André Carson says, "while walking with John Lewis... amid chants of Kill the bill he heard the N-word at least 15 times". MS Rep Emanuel Cleaver reported that he was spat on by a protester. NC Rep Heath Shuler confirmed that he also heard the slurs.

    Breitbart posts a 48-second video of the Congressional Black Caucus members on the day in question, but later analysis reveals that the video was not of Lewis and Carson walking to the Capitol, when the slurs were reportedly heard, but instead showed the lawmakers leaving the Capitol—at least one hour after the reported incident. Breitbart stands by his assertion that the assaults didn't happen.

    Tea Party supporters believe Breitbart over the 5 Democrats I previously named. In a discussion on the Voltron Ruffian blog Voltronites declare that the Democrats all lied. And the black Democrats are racist, as is the NAACP and it's leader, Ben Jealous.

    [3] Shirley Sherrod is forced to resign from her position as Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the US Department of Agriculture after blogger Andrew Breitbart posts deceptively edited excerpts of Sherrod's address at a March 2010 NAACP event to his website.


    Andrew Breitbart has a long history of deceptively editing videos and fabricating stories. For this reason I assumed his reporting on Weinergate was also bullshit. Given Breitbart's history, I maintain that it was a logical conclusion.

  18. 1-Majority of dems vote to eliminate ACORN's funfing,including Barney Frank.Must have been some fire near that smoke.

    2-Now this is a complete mystery.In todays world just about everyone has a camera and recording device.Yet this incident must have happened near either a worm hole or a parallel world because none of these so called racial taunts were ever recorded,yet everything else was.

    3-Ah,Shirly Sherrod.Fired immediately by order of Barack Obama.Now you know there had to be something there for fearless leader to act so quickly,after all he took a sixteen hour nap before giving the order to pop OBL.


    WD's blind loyalty to all things left wing and WD's acceptance and seeming support for Weiners tawdry actions towards younger women one could conclude WD's has more then a passing intrest in these things,

  19. And BB,you disapoint me by using the old liberal scam of justifying bad behavior by pointing at other. bad behavior.Bitch.
    Fact is Mark Foley resigned and resigned quickly,bitch.

  20. So turns out that you sir are indeed a hypocrite yourself.

  21. There are facts, there are opinions, and then there's Rusty's lies...

    Rusty's lies about what I've said and how I feel about Ed Schultz:

    Calling women sluts is NOT "perfectly in step" with my beliefs. I am a supporter of women's rights and oppose the use of any language denigrating women. When I pointed out to Rusty that I only watch Ed Schultz's show occasionally -- Rusty ignored me and instead lied and said Ed Schultz was my "hero".

    Ed Schultz did not call Laua Ingram a slut, he called her a Right-wing slut. He was criticizing her for her support of Right-wing lies, not for being an actual slut. Even so, he was wrong to use the word... which is why he apologized and volunteered to take a week's suspension.

    Rusty claims that Ed's misogyny is backed up by the fact that Ed is a wife-beater. I attempted to look up these well-confirmed facts, and while I did find this claim repeated all over the internet -- I could find no credible source that confirmed this. When I made this point to Rusty he ignored me.

    [to be continued...]

  22. [continued from the previous post...]

    Rusty's lies about how I feel about Anthony Weiner:

    I am extremely disappointed with Anthony Weiner's activities on twitter, and with how he handled the accusations. I say go ahead with the ethics investigation. I am unaware of any accusations that Anthony Weiner "preyed" upon younger women.

    The women were Anthony Weiner fans who welcomed the attention. That in no way excuses what he did, but it makes him NOT a sexual predator, just another politician who let popularity go to his head.

    Also, as far as I know, Anthony Weiner said his twitter account was hacked, not that it was hacked by Andrew Breitbart. I don't think AW ever mentioned AB. Anthony Weiner also supports women's rights.

    Rusty's lies about me:

    I do not consider a married man sexting multiple (willing) women to be normal. I have no interest in sexting, sending lewd photos of myself to anyone, or twitter (which I have never used).

    I cop to the fact that I have a similar belief system as these two other men -- because we're all Liberals. But I believe that Rusty is insinuating that I'm a registered sex offender. This is a vile disgusting lie for which Rusty has absolutely no proof.

    [to be continued...]

  23. [continued from the previous post...]


    I think it's more likely that Rusty is registered with a law enforcement group. Probably for harassing people who disagree with his political views. Maybe he ran another car off the road after spotting a "Obama/Biden" sticker on it's bumper, or perhaps he followed that car until it pulled into the parking lot of some store... then waited for the owners to depart before he keyed it.

    Also, Rusty says he objects to Laura Ingram being called a slut, but he calls Debbie Wassermann Schultz ugly, and he calls Beach Bum a bitch (twice). I think Rusty doesn't give a damn about not using language offensive to women. His objection to what Ed Schultz said had nothing to do with the words Ed used... they were just an excuse Rusty used to attack him.

    My opinion is that Rusty is a hypocritical shithead.

    [1] No, there was no fire.
    [2] Many people may HAVE cameras, that does not mean many people are using those cameras constantly, or able to whip them out at the precise second necessary to capture any event of significance that takes place. To claim that something didn't happen simply because it was a public place and nobody videoed it... even though 5 witnesses confirm that it did happen... that is ludicrous.
    [3] Shirley Sherrod was not fired by order of Barack Obama. Tom Vilsack asked her to resign.

    Mark Foley was a Republican involved in a GAY scandal. When a Republican is involved in a GAY scandal their fellow Republicans never support them (the way they supported Vitter).

    I don't know why Beach Bum is a hypocrite for mentioning Foley. Probably because of this double standard. With Republicans straight sex scandals are OK, while gay sex scandals are not. And if you point out this hypocrisy to them they say, "no I'm not, you are!".

    Rusty, I'm sure you'd be quite happy if you were able to pound on Democrats for their bad behavior while Republican bad behavior was off limits, but why the hell would any Democrat agree to that?

    [end of comment]

  24. WD said..."The women were Anthony Weiner fans who welcomed the attention." Only an indivual who's own personal proclivities mirrow those of Weiner's would say women welcomed being sent unwanted sexually suggestive photo's.

  25. I agree with Marcus. The political discourse in this country has become disturbing/excessive. And you know who else agrees with him? President Obama. The President, in one of his finest moments in office, essentially said that we all needed to tone it down a little. I mean, sure, a little bit of rough and tumble is expected (therapeutic and necessary even). But when we try and knock the other guy out WITH EVERY SINGLE COMMENT, I don't know, guys. The way that I see it, all of these folks are a mixed bag (flawed but not evil); Breitbart, Weiner, Hannity, ALL OF 'EM!


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