Saturday, June 4, 2011

Miscellaneous 75

1) I get a kick out of these Bill O'Reilly interviewing Charles Krauthammer segments. I mean, no disrespect to Mr. O'Reilly but, come on, you gotta admit it here. There is more than a small intellectual discrepancy. Hell, folks, it almost kind of reminds you of an Eddie Haskell interviewing William F. Buckley type of interview. "Nothin', nothin', I was just tellin' Charles Krauthammer what a good lookin' kid he's gettin' to be."............2) Why is it, folks, that whenever a Republican speaks the truth (or at the very least says what he TRULY feels), he then has to beg for forgiveness with Rush Limbaugh? I just don't get it here. Is Mr. Limbaugh THAT powerful (with the base)? I mean, yes, this is just my sole opinion here. But I don't have a damn problem with what Mr. Gingrich said (on Meet the Press). IN FACT, I would have thought a whole lot better of him HAD he dug his boots in, stuck to his guns, etc.. Of course, I won't be voting in a Republican primary any time soon, now will I?............3) Comebacks in the NBA are basically common-place. You literally can see one every week. But what happened two nights ago in Miami was ONE FOR THE AGES. The Dallas Mavericks were down by 15 points, on the road with six minutes remaining. And, not only that, THEY WERE PLAYING BADLY. The vast majority of people on this planet (myself included) would have folded tents. The Mavericks, though, didn't. They frigging came back and won the son of a bitch. It was such a miracle comeback that even Chris Matthews talked about it at the end of his show in "Let Me Finish"....Hm, what was it that former N.C. State basketball coach, Jim Valvano, once said (as he was dying of cancer), "Don't give up. Don't ever give up." That, me-buckos, appears to be the gosh-darn moral here. I'm gathering.


  1. 1. That's what Palin debating Obama would look like...Eddie Haskell vs William F Buckley.

    2. Yes, he is that powerful.

    3. I saw it...and I still don't believe it.

  2. "Don't give up. Don't ever give up."

    That bastard of a Drill Sergeant I had in basic would say the same thing as he ran us into the ground. I will freely say I loved that man.

  3. [1] I don't watch Bill-o, so I can't comment. I do have one observation though... the guy is over 70... how about retiring?

    [2] What Jerry Critter said.

    [3] Zzzzzzz.

  4. Jerry,

    Depends on wether Obie had his teleprompter available or not, and wether it was a scripted debate.

    The great orator falls all over himself speaking off the cuff.

  5. Maybe Zero would just vote present?

  6. Jerry, etc., I was thinking about this thread at work today. It seems to me that who exactly wins a debate can in fact be complicated. Expectations, for example, play an enormous part. Somebody like Palin, where the expectations are low, if she ends up doing even half-way good, she'll probably end up getting good reviews. And then there's the whole ancillary thing. Back in 1960, every who saw the debate between Nixon and Kennedy on TV thought that Kennedy won. But the people who listened to it on the radio thought that Nixon won. Oh, and, yes, let's not forget the inevitable partisan spin. Both sides, no matter what, will ultimately proclaim victory.

  7. Volt, I think that Mr. Obama is actually pretty smart. I mean, no, he's not the second coming of Karl Popper/Alfred North Whitehead or anything. But I would definitely like to talk to him. Another beer summit perhaps!

  8. Does anyone else think that Charles Krauthammer looks a lot like "The Count" muppet on Seasame Street? And ironically enough, a vampire.

    I'm just sayin'...

  9. Hi Will. I've read some of your comments on Sue's blog and decided to check you out.

    I have mixed feelings when it comes to Bill O'Reilly. There are times when he can be rational (defending President Obama against the birther nonsense) and other instances when he's just the opposite (his relentless attacks against Media Matters). Either way, he is entertaining.

    I don’t understand it either why Republicans who don’t toe the GOP line have to kiss the ring (or worse) of Limbaugh. Either Limbaugh knows where the proverbial bodies are buried or the GOP has overestimated his power. The only time they do stand up to him without having to face any consequences is when their term is either over or about to end. I can’t remember his name, but there was a Republican who came on “Hardball” after he was defeated in the primary last year and said Limbaugh didn’t speak for the GOP.

    I was upset with myself when I slept through the Mavs' comeback in game 2. When I nodded off, they looked dead in the water. I still think it'll be the Heat in six games.

  10. The thing that strikes me most about Krauthammer, CDM, is that he hardly ever smiles (he's in a wheelchair and, yes, maybe that explains it). That alone kind of creeps me out.............Welcome, Malcolm. Yeah, I know what you mean about O'Reilly. While there's a part of me that really wants to like him (for his affability and occasional moderation), the fellow in fact does make it hard some time; the paranoia and constant droning about the left, especially.


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