Monday, June 6, 2011

It's a Toss-Up Between Judith Sheindlin (AKA Judge Judy) and Nancy (I Constantly Treat My Guests LIke Bullcrap) Grace

What would be my answer to the question, "So, who, in your opinion, is the biggest female prick on television?"


  1. The biggest female prick on TV?Tough one Will,does Maddow count even though hers is a strap on?

  2. Maddow's schtick is sarcasm and snarkiness. And, no, it doesn't wear well.

  3. Laura Ingram, a constant raging, shrill bitch of the highest order.

  4. Yeah, when she substitutes for O'Reilly, I really get the urge to throw things and yell, "Let the frigging person talk, bitch!!"

  5. Nancy Grace is a friggin' cow! I've made that very mention a few times on my blog and on others.

    ...I still say so and don't think I will be changing my mind anytime soon.

  6. CDM, when you look up the word, unwatchable, in the dictionary, you'll see a picture of Ms. Grace - right there next to the definition.


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