Friday, June 3, 2011

Miscellaneous 74

1) The President always gets too much credit when things are going good (Reagan, Clinton), and too much blame when things are going lousy (Carter, Bush 1). Remember how people were hammering Mr. Obama for the rising gas prices earlier? Hm, well now these same prices seem to be coming down (25-30 cents in Connecticut) again. Do you think that those same people will now give President Obama credit? Probably not, huh?............2) I remember when I was a kid. I had these neighbors who also had kids. And man, were those little youngsters ever mean. They used to capture live butterflies and pull the wings off. Whatever happened to those kids? I'm not entirely sure. I'll bet, though, that at least a few of them grew up to be bloggers. I might even bet you money on it.............3) Just for the record, folks, if I ever had the opportunity to talk with Markos M. and Keith Olbermann, I would be completely civil to them, too. In fact, I would do to Mr. Olbermann the same exact thing that I would do to Bill O'Reilly and/or Ann Coulter (a fellow Cornell alum - remember that little scrum?). I'd try to pull him aside and say, "Dude, look, it's just the two of us here. What do you really think?"............4) I'm on the record here, folks. My top three favorite Presidents of the twentieth century are Truman, Ike, and JFK (not necessarily in that precise order). For those of you out there who tend to keep tallies/cherry-pick (and you know who you are), that works out to be two Democrats and one Republican who, if in fact he were alive today, would probably also be a Democrat (or at the very least a Colin Powell/Lincoln Chaffee Republican). I ask you, does that sound like the itinerary of a Reich/Rush-sucking-winger?............5) As for Mr. Reagan, most historians (as well as others who make these lists) seem to have him somewhere in the top ten. I....DO NOT. In fact, folks, I've said it over and over again that Mr. Reagan was a probably an overrated President (I even might put Gerry Ford ahead of him). I really want to stress this factor as well.............6) Look, folks, I hate to sound like I'm being persecuted here. It's just that when you have such a swath of miscreants consistently misrepresenting your record, impugning your motivation, etc., it's exceedingly tough NOT to retaliate....I find it hard anyway.


  1. Those kids are probably Republicans... or Libertarians. Reagan was WAY overrated. He's an "F" president... at best. I think FDR would have to be at (or near) the top of the list.

  2. I know that you like FDR, wd, but, in my opinion, Truman was a far superior President. Yes, he cared about poor people but he didn't do so to the tune of constantly threatening/bad-mouthing/bitch-slapping business. And he didn't pull unconstitutional stunts like court-packing and the NRA (which even John Maynard Keynes said was counterproductive - this, in a New York Times open letter to the President).............My grades here (for what they're worth) are Truman A-, FDR B-, Reagan B-, Ike B+, Gerry Ford B+, Bill Clinton B+ (it might have been A- if not for Arafat), George H.W. Bush B-, George W. Bush D (part of me wants to say F, but I'm willing to let a little time go by first), Jimmy Carter C- (the only thing that saves him is Camp David) and JFK A- (if not for the Bay of Pigs, I might have gone A).............Reagan, an F, huh? Oh well, I guess that you could have gone F-. LOL

  3. "It's just that when you have such a swath of miscreants consistently misrepresenting your record, impugning your motivation, etc., it's exceedingly tough NOT to retaliate....I find it hard anyway."

    And yet Sarah Palin "plays the victim"

  4. There is one difference, Volt. Sarah Palin gets in trouble (sometimes at least) with her actual words and ideas. Those clowns (Cliffy, Mike, and Jolly Nimrod) that I'm talking about are totally misrepresenting me............................Hey, what about your grades here? What would you give the above-mentioned Presidents? I want to see wd's head explode when you assess Mr. Roosevelt.

  5. You have a forum to correct the relatively few people you get misrepresented to. She gets misrepresented by the media Will and not everyone will make an effort to ensure their treatment is fair.

    As to FDR, I'm sure WD knows I am not a fan. Rather than a letter grade how about this, out of 44 presidents I'd put him in the bottom five.

  6. All that I can tell you, Volt, is that my opinion of Mrs. Palin has come about strictly via my watching and listening to her (the Olbermann, Maddow drivel I've totally tuned out). If at some point in the future she starts talking less nonsensically, I'd be more than happy to give her another shot.


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