Friday, June 3, 2011

She Could Have Read From a Menu

Two time Academy Award winner, Olivia de Havilland. Her performance in "The Heiress" stands as one of the finest in cinematic history, IMHO. And, yes, me-buckos, the woman's still amongst us - 95 and kicking!


  1. I looked at the two pictures and had absolutely no idea who this person was. The name is familar to me, but that's it.

  2. You've never seen "Gone With the Wind" or "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte"?

  3. I've seen parts of "Gone with the Wind" (a very small percentage of the actual movie). I haven't seen the other one though. I do, however, have the film score releases for each movie. I have the deluxe 2-disc edition of GWTW with music by Max Steiner and a copy of the limited edition release of Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte" with music by Frank Devol.

    I didn't realize the deluxe GWTW was out of print... if you want a new copy its 119 bucks!

  4. While salmon fishing in Alaska we flew on a de Havilland....a de Havilland Beaver to be exact.Nice ride.....I'm sure she was also in her prime.

  5. I hate it when movies go out of print. I've been waiting for years for a re-release of the Mickey Rourke/Faye Dunaway cult-classic, "Barfly", to know avail. Like with you and your situation, I'd probably have to dish out over a hundred at the Market Place...........Absolutely, Russ, she was babalicious to the nines.


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