Friday, June 3, 2011

Kent Conrad

What would be my answer to the question, "So, if you had the chops, acumen, and desire to be a United States Senator, which present-day Senator would you most like to emulate?"


  1. Watch, tomorrow, "Kent Conrad involved in huge scandal".

  2. This guy has FAR more negatives than positives...

    [NEGATIVES] FOR offshore oil drilling, AGAINST the health care bill including a public option, FOR the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, AGAINST gay marriage, FOR extending the bush tax cuts, FOR banning "partial birth abortions", FOR confirmation of Samuel Alito to the supreme court, RECEIVED favorable terms for a second home and an apartment building due to his association with Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo R. Mozilo.

    [Positives] FOR lifting the ban on military base abortions, AGAINST constitutional ban on gay marriage, AGAINST repealing the estate and alternative minimum taxes. FOR lowered middle class taxes, FOR increasing taxes on those making over $1 million per year.

    [Verdict] He's retiring, and I say "good riddance". BTW, I don't believe that last "postive" should really be counted...

    Because he voted IN FAVOR of extending the bush tax cuts "at least until the economy is clearly recovering", which makes absolutely no sense, since it is the bush tax cuts which are HOLDING BACK the recovery. Also, he "considers himself a deficit hawk", which I say is BS, otherwise he wouldn't have been in favor of extending the bush tax cuts.

    This guy sounds like a moderate Republican to me. Also, although I'm not sure, he sounds more socially conservative than you Will.

  3. Some more positives...

    AGAINST approving use of military force in Iraq in 1991, AGAINST the war resolution of 2002. AGAINST Gitmo.

    Toss up/leaning negative...

    "While he initially voted in favor of the USA PATRIOT Act, he has been an opponent of warrantless wiretapping".

  4. I was just kidding, wd. My real favorite Senator is Bernie Sanders.

  5. Bernie Sanders is the best one. If only the Senate was made up of 100 more Senators just like him.


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