Friday, June 3, 2011

Calling Mr. Whoopee

Mitt Romney, TO HIS BONE, is infinitely closer to President Obama than he ever in fact will be to Bachmann, Palin, etc.. And he knows it....He...frigging...knows it. But, instead of being that person, that competent and reasonable (albeit boring, too) person - there he is, folks, out there doing that imbecilic Kabuki theater. It's ludicrous! Buuuuuuuuut, I guess that he kind of has to, huh?.....................................................................................................And the saddest thing of all is that 40-50 years ago, he wouldn't have had to pull this stupid stunt. Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge, Gerry Ford (hell, folks, even President Nixon!) - guys like that used to run for President all the time - sometimes even proudly. Now, NOW, they can't even run for dog-catcher in Vermont, Rhode Island, or Pennsylvania.


  1. Same holds true for the other side Will,they purged all their blue dogs.

  2. So this is another case of both sides being equally guilty? I think not.

    I'm sure this will surprise some, but I blame the Republicans for the purging of the Blue Dogs. If more Republicans had been willing to compromise on the health care bill the Blue Dogs wouldn't have been able to hold out for goodies... and we very well may have gotten a public option.

    I'm disappointed that they were not all swept out.

  3. Its the damn primary system, it only rewards the extreme ends of the spectrum. Of course there are always the delusional wackos on both ends that only polarize things further.

  4. This will probably surprise some, too, wd. But I think that the Republicans should have been far more constructive during the health-care debate, especially considering that the Democrats basically co-opted THEIR plan from the early '90s.............It's kind of too bad, fellas. If Romney would just be Romney, a) he'd probably sleep better at night and b) we'd have at least a little excitement in the upcoming primaries/convention. I still remember the 1980 Republican convention. By then Anderson had dropped out and started his independent run. But his delegates continued with him. Each time the respective state representative said Anderson's name, the entire building echoed deafeningly with boos and hisses. Those, my friends were the days!! Drama, with a capital D!

  5. Nobody liked the Tennessee Tuxedo reference?

  6. Jesus Christ on a friggin who would have ever...and I mean ever, blamed Republicans for the loss of blue dog dems.....Dr.Demento strikes again.

  7. Russ, excuse me. We're doing cartoon metaphors here, not radio metaphors (damned if it wasn't a good one, though).

  8. I still think it is most amusing that if Rommney goes up against Obama, he is effectively running against himself only Rommney has decided to reinvent himslf half-way through.

    What republican voters have to be concerned with is if he'll do the same damn thing "if" he ever got into office...but that will never happen.

  9. This process actually started back in 2008. Remember how he suddenly became pro-life and anti-gay-rights, after years and years of being the opposite? As an frustrated/independent voter, I find it aggravating and sad. Yes, I like Obama. But I certainly wouldn't mind having an option, either.

  10. I like Dr. Demento, although I don't currently live near a radio station that broadcasts his program. I used to listen all the time when I was young. That being the case, I'll take Rusty's remarks as a compliment.

    QUESTION: why is there not a Liberal/Left-leaning Republican caucus? I think the fact that there isn't is further proof that my theory is correct, and that I am not demented at all.

    Will, I can't like or dislike your "Tennessee Tuxedo" reference... I'm completely unfamiliar with it. Wikipedia says it is a cartoon that was cancelled 5 years before I was born. I've never seen it.

    Mitt is the "Man with All the Answers"? I thought he was the man with the changing answers.

  11. One could say that Mitt is just supporting the opinions of his electorate. He is willing to be as crazy and the people who elect him.

  12. I remember McCain bellowing out in 2000, "I'm not afraid to lose!" We're not as likely to hear that (from anybody!) this cycle, you're saying?......I'm not necessarily disagreeing, btw.

  13. I'm showing my age here, wd, but, yes, there used to a fairly large contingent of liberal Republicans; from Rockefeller in '64 to Anderson in '80.......You're right, though, they're presently an endangered species.


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