Monday, June 6, 2011

The Case Against Lengthy Disclosures

There's one thing that most politicians never seem to learn. Namely, "IT'S THE GOD-DAMNED COVER-UP, STUPID!!!!!"....I mean, really, somebody ought to take these frigging imbeciles aside and tell them, "Dudes (Weiner, etc.), whenever you end up doing something that's either wrong, embarrassing, or both, admit it. Tell the frigging truth and do it immediately. I mean, we're probably going to find out eventually anyway. And it'll be to your advantage, most likely. a) You'll be doing a significant amount of damage control (not to mention, the right thing) and b) you'll probably be more likely to sleep better at night.".....................................................................................................As for Mr. Weiner, unless the fellow lied to the Capitol Police and/or the FBI, he's probably going to be OK. I mean, it doesn't sound like he broke the law (texting provocative images to strangers could be dicey) to me. Couple that with the fact that he runs in an extremely safe district. The only really difficult situation would be in a primary (he might get challenged by a nonperverted progressive, perhaps) challenge.


  1. In this day and age, you would think that these supposedly intelligent people would know that anything you send over the internet may end up in the wrong hands. We see it happening over and over again.

    We really do elect idiots, both republican and Democrat...although I still believe that republicans are in the idiot lead!

  2. I'd like to debate you on that last point, Jerry. But, mark my word on it, the very minute that I do, out from behind bushes marches Marsha Blackburn, saying that we can balance the budget strictly by cutting discretionary spending (you know, that 12-14% slice of the pie). Ergo, I'll have to take a powder.

  3. I realize my last point is debatable, but I don't want to get into an argument about who's "list" is the longest. I will concede that we both have big "lists".

  4. I don't know about that, Jerry and Will. McCain and Newt have made themselves in a class all to their own, the "repeat-offender" class, in regards to personal conduct.

  5. I think we would all agree Andrew Brietbart receive a hearty hip,hip hooray for catching this internet predator.

  6. WD,its obvious that for what ever reason,perhaps due to your own proclivities you fully support the actions of an "internet predator" and yes,pundits on your favorite cable station have indeed used that exact term in refering to Weiner.

    You made a complete ass out of yourself the past few days defending this creepy little prick and yet you continue.When you're already in a hole....stop digging.

  7. As for Breitbart,you libs should be throwing rose petals where he walks,just for helping to remove a wart like Weiner from your party,hell he did you a favor.I'm sure Andrew would love to hear a thank you from the left.

    Just think the guy also saved you libs from further embarrassment due to ACORN's activities.

  8. Jerry, CDM, what Mr. Gingrich said on that infamous "Meet the Press" episode was probably the smartest thing that he's said in years. It was the crawling on his hands and knees back to Sir Limbaugh that I found revolting.......McCain? Don't even get me going on that guy.

  9. Russ, wd. The way that I see, it doesn't look like Mr. Weiner did anything illegal (creepy, perhaps, but not illegal) here. I also think that he'll probably survive. The only strong opposition that he'd seemingly have would be in a primary (a female opponent would be quite formidable) battle.

  10. Beg to differ Will,the Weiner story will continue.More pictures will be coming out almost daily.In fact Breitbart refused to release one he considered way too explicit.People other then Breitbart are in possession of these photo's and once tabloids begin throwing money around you know the pictures are going to be made public.
    For christ sake this creepy little fool was even involved with some porn star named Ginger Lee.That came out today.

  11. A case could probably be made that he effed over his colleagues, too. Poor Steve Israel (for example) went to bat for the guy and now he has to eat his crow. Yeah, maybe they WILL cut him loose.......I'm still not entirely sure what the illegality is, though. If everybody was a consenting adult - they WERE all consenting adults, right?......Also, Russ, I'm pretty sure that wd isn't a predator. Just because he's willing to go to the mat for these characters doesn't mean that he's necessarily like them.

  12. Rusty, get this straight asshole, I have ZERO "proclivities" for showing pictures of my wiener to anyone.

    I defended Anthony Weiner against Breitbart's allegations because Breitbart is a scumbucket and a liar. I'll continue to defend Anthony Weiner's record in the House. He's a great Representative (or was). I do NOT defend him in regards to this STUPIDITY (unrelated to his job) that he's been engaging in on twitter.

    As for these women, they were FOLLOWING him! If they didn't like how he was communicating with them then why didn't they stop following him immediately and block his messages?

    I asked you for a link to a story saying any of these women thought they were being "harassed". Give it up or STFU.

    ACORN helped lower and middle-income citizens register to vote. How the hell is that "embarrassing"?

    If anyone should be embarrassed it should have been Breitbart and O'Keefe after their charade was exposed. But Right-sleazeballs like them have no shame.

  13. Hey of Weiners victim's was just on TV.She said the creep started out innocently,then began sending unasked for lewd pictures.The little schmuck was doing the same thing to at least five other women.If that is'nt the discription of a predator please tell us what is.
    I still say....that you continue to lay at least partial blame of Weiners actions on these women because you dont find his actions the least bit tawdry.

  14. ,then began sending unasked for lewd pictures.

    Brett Farve?

    Oh you mean Weiner's weiner.

    Damn these juvenile acting men in sports and politics get so infuriating don't they?

  15. w-dervish said: "I think Andrew Breitbart should be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail"

    He should be applauded, and apologized to by Weiner. He told the truth.

    Besides, are you really serious? Submitting journalists to such violence is par for the course under socialism, but not in a free society.

    "I defended Anthony Weiner against Breitbart's allegations because Breitbart is a scumbucket and a liar."

    "Muckraker" fits better. And in this, at least, Weiner was the liar.

    Weiner's record of self... ahem "public" service is another subject entirely. But suffice it to say that he's one of those who rarely votes in the public interest.

    I only bring this up because you first mentioned his "Record in the house", as if it makes him any less of a scumbucket and liar.

    As for Acorn, in Florida in 2009: "In September, 11 ACORN workers were accused of forging voter registration applications in Miami-Dade County during the last election. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the state attorney’s office scoured hundreds of suspicious applications provided by ACORN and found 197 of 260 contained personal ID information that did not match any living person.".

    This is just one example of them engaging in actual election-related crimes. Every fake voter and vote disenfranchise a real voter, more often than not the "lower and middle-income citizens" you claim to care about. And it's another reason we need voter ID. The only people who fear voter ID are those who like to try to steal elections with fake voters and votes.

  16. dmarks, I already addressed the Breitbart question. Here on this blog (in respons to a different post), and also on my blog. Long story short -- Breitbart manipulates video and audio to fabricate stories where none exist.

    The examples I gave (see the links) were: The ACORN/O'Keefe sex sting videos (authorities determined videos were splice jobs), the assault of Democratic members of Congress at a Tea Party anti-health care legislation rally (Breitbart posted a video of the Congressmen leaving when the assault took place when they were coming), and the Shirley Sherrod incident (Bretbart's video appeared to show Shirley Sherrod saying things of a racist nature. The sliced and diced video was quickly debunked).

    Breitbart isn't a muckraker, he's a liar. He isn't "exposing corruption", he's fabricating it (at least in regards to the three examples I just gave).

    As far as the Anthony Weiner story goes... Breitbart must have been overjoyed when he got hold of AW's tweets and pics (I'm wondering how the hell he got them). Finally a story where he didn't have to slice and dice video to fabricate a story.

    Breitbart probably thinks this story is his path to increased legitimacy. BTW, of course I not mean anyone should literally tar and feather this a-hole... they would be arrested for assault. People should refuse to do business with him. He doesn't deserve to have a career in this field.

    Breitbart lies for financial and political gain. Weiner lied about things he did in his personal life. Their lies aren't comparable. Anthony Weiner's record in the House is exemplary. He always comes down on the side of the people instead of the wealthy and powerful.

  17. So, tar and feather was a metaphor kind of like Sarah Palin's bulls-eyes were?

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  20. ACORN engaged in NO election-related crimes. They hired people to collect registrations and they paid these employees based on how many registrations they collected. A few of the people they hired decided to phony up registrations to earn more money... NOT so someone could show up later and fraudulently vote.

    ACORN knew that some of the registrations were phony, but they were required by law to turn them over. ACORN did nothing wrong, except, perhaps not screen the people they hired well enough. ACORN was actually the victim of these employees who were trying to cheat them.

    The fake registrations lead to ZERO fake voters casting ballots and ZERO real voters being disenfranchised. FAR more people get disenfranchised by Republican policies that make it harder to vote.

    Your worry about fake voters and votes leading to stolen elections is pure fantasy cooked up by Republicans to disenfranchise legitimate voters.

    To answer your question Will: NO. Not all metaphors are the same. Gun and shooting metaphors are in a league of their own. They should not be used.

  21. Tarring and feathering isn't as violent as shooting a gun? You might want tell that to thousands of 19th century black people.

  22. w-dervish said - "ACORN engaged in NO election-related crimes."

    The criminal activity I mentioned was just one of many examples.

    "ACORN did nothing wrong, except, perhaps not screen the people they hired well enough."

    Perfect deniability, huh? Encourage and hire contractors to engage in this sort of fraud/crime, and when they are caught blame the contractors. Uh-huh.

    "The fake registrations lead to ZERO fake voters casting ballots and ZERO real voters being disenfranchised."

    How do you know this? Without voter ID?

    "FAR more people get disenfranchised by Republican policies that make it harder to vote."


    "Your worry about fake voters and votes leading to stolen elections is pure fantasy cooked up by Republicans to disenfranchise legitimate voters."

    It's a major reality, and the only ones who deny it are those who benefit from voter fraud.

  23. And: "Anthony Weiner's record in the House is exemplary. He always comes down on the side of the people instead of the wealthy and powerful."

    He actually tends to come down on the side of the most powerfui (the ruling class) and against the interests of the ruled.

    Just one example of his destructure and poorly-thought-out record has to do with his stance on "Card check". According to this site, he voted for card check, which abolishes the secret ballot in union elections.

    The secret ballot is a fundamental building block of democracy. Without it, thugs bully and coerce people into voting their way. I guess Weiner and the unions don't trust workers to make up their own minds.

    He's not all bad, despite so many votes which tend to justify insane and greedy policies.

    I commend him for these two votes, which help two nations faced with genocide from aggressive neighbors:

    "Voted NO on disallowing the invasion of Kosovo. (May 1999)
    Solidarity with Israel in its fight against terrorism. (Apr 2002)"


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